Thank you so so so much for playing my game!!!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!!
On the parts you found confusing:
- You're right! I need a symbol index and reminder cards and to be more consistent with my symbol usage. (The arrow means "load into [] from []", but I need to either use it everywhere and explain it or spell it out fully there instead to be consistent.)
- When several triggers go off at the same time, first the active player (player whose turn it is) chooses the order in which they'll resolve their triggers; then the non-active player (player whose turn it is NOT) chooses the order for their own triggers, then the non-active player resolves all their triggers (in the chosen order), then the active player resolves their triggers in the chosen order. Conditions that are part of effects are checked at resolution, so the distance 0 from Chevalière d'Aphrodite's Rapière is checked at resolution.
BUT the rapière's trigger should be WHEN YOU PILOT, it's an upgrade to the basic action, not to the whole movement mechanic for Chevalière d'Aphrodite (it would be too powerful otherwise I think, but I have no idea whether the two mechs are currently even remotely balanced after the latest batch of unplaytested changes lmao)
- Close would indeed trigger WHEN YOU MOVE keywords, because it makes you move. Pull makes the opponent move, so it would not trigger WHEN YOU MOVE triggers for the opponent because they wouldn't be the one doing the move action (because it's not the opponent doing the moving with pull, it's you moving the opponent.) I need a big FAQ and breakdowns for individual mech pieces to clarify all of that.
On the negative parts, I'll need to do more playtesting. You might be right about the pacing, but I didn't find problems with it while playtesting on my end so I'll need more data about that by testing it with more people and seeing how they play and how they feel after further plays, with and without the pilots. But I'll keep your feedback in mind, and I might tweak some stuff about it in the future. Did you play with a 4-card "market" next to the magic deck? It makes collecting cards harder if you miss that part of the rules, and I didn't make any global visual overview of the setup so it's easy to miss I think. Also, I personally like the tension of having to commit to attacks that you're not sure you'll be able to pull off, and needing to re-evaluate your strategy when the right cards don't come out and settle for a smaller attack. It's okay to make attacks without fully loading your armaments, and using the Bardiche Accelerator and the Revelator on the 97-BEASTKNIGHT accelerates that gameplay a bit and seems somewhat important to me? Maybe I need to give the BEASTKNIGHT a few more tools to feed their REAKTOR instead of trying to solve the pacing issues globally. (I feel like I've given a lot of loading tools to Chevalière d'Aphrodite already, I need to playtest that because the latest batch of changes is untested on my end.)
Once again, thank you so so so so much for playing!! I might release more mechs, pilots and additional game modes in the future, so I'd love to hear your (and your friend's) thoughts on them then!