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(1 edit) (+1)

Okay, so far, I haven't had any major issues with the testing (completed level 3), and what I have are just game mechanics, and uh, I'm not saying you didn't do a good job, but that there are still some areas that need to be taken care of. I'll list below what I think you need to prioritize for optimization.

1. the latex little black dragon box collision volume should be increased a bit, it's very easy to lure and squeeze them into a pile in the last place. Of course, the range that determines contact with the player doesn't need to be modified

2. When standing next to a wall, the latex on the wall can easily see through to the uncovered wall behind it, this is a problem in all black latex covered areas.

This is a problem in all black latex-covered areas:

1. old and new archive problem, this problem is very serious, seems to be because it is triggered by the code modification, resulting in, for example, missing music (does not play), chasing monsters disappeared (the first level, white latex knight). At this stage it is recommended to do a good double reminder, once on the game page and once just entering the game menu. Since you're still in a constant updating phase, it's hard to avoid this problem!

2. looking up should not show your hair (when you tilt your head)

3. omitted a transformation variant: the traffic cone (I'm not sure if you forgot about it, or if you just decided not to do it for now)

4. originally the perspective wouldn't be too high in human form, but now being transformed and stepping on top of a reclining chair or sweeper causes the perspective to be raised (old problem)

Some suggestions that come to mind so far:

1. i noticed you added perspective effect borders to the transformation, which i think could stay in effect after transformation (if it's not a latex with special visual effects), but currently this feature has the potential to cause screen flickering to occur during the transformation when compatible with previous crafted latexes.

2. uh. I'm not sure if I should say that I'm a little less comfortable with the transformation animation of the black dragon cubs, I think this is a little too intense.

3. The white latex in the sterilized room is not uncontrollable latex, and even when the two are fused, they only transform into "latexed players", not completely into "latex monsters".

4. If possible, can the viewpoint of the person being transformed be provided in two ways, one in third person for those who want to see the transformation process, and the other in first person for those who want to see how they are being transformed, which can be adjusted in the settings?

(1 edit)

Hello hawkwk! 

Oof, yeah, you are absolutely correct in everything you are pointing out (except in the fourth point from the suggestions part: there is a problem to making that). Even in my own post-testing (after releasing) I've found other things that are wrong, need improvement, etc. So yeah, these levels need a whole lot improvement. I have noted all of your suggestions and I will start developing them soon!

Yet, there is something I must clarify: I have made a very important decision regarding Changed 3D; after this update I've come to the realization that completely finalizing the 'Special Edition' game to finish, while maintaining quality, and considering I am the sole developer, will probably take me forever (the time, quality and quantity equation). I have an entire game ahead of me and I am stuck fixing three levels that I haven't even completed them entirely. 

Thus far, I've been translating the 'Special Edition' of the original game from 2D to 3D, the one that Dragon Snow is making these days, but the problem is that Dragon Snow firstly made the original game's standard edition, quite obviously, and then expanded upon it quite a lot, thus making the Special Edition, and I, logically, should follow the same developing principle!, (make the base game, the original standard version, then proceed to make an enhanced version, instead of trying to make absolutely everything, by myself) but instead here I am working upon a version that is way longer and more complex, so the decision I made will change that, because I really, really, want to see this project fulfilled in a more feasible and determined way. Basically, I will revert to developing the Standard Version of Changed, which is WAY more possible.

That is without mentioning that the Special Edition hasn't even been completed yet, and is still in-development by Dragon Snow, and I, for the time being, don't have a guarantee that it will even be finished by Dragon Snow (though I hope he completes it, his health problems worry me...)

After fixing these three levels, I will post an important and detailed 'DevLog' explaining everything better.

Either way, thank you very much hawkwk for your detailed comment, and to repeat it: I´ll fix these things you mentioned before continuing with any plan I have, and will post an Important DevLog afterwards to explain everything better!