Bug reports please only in decent form via discord. With your current description of the error, I can only tell you that I could not reproduce this error and therefore cannot fix it.
I have figured the issue: do NOT learn full power with Lillico; the 20% bp increase also affects Perfect Shape which brings it to 600 BP instead of 500, whereas she can only reach 500BP at max level.
Yes, but that's not a bug, it's intended. So everything works as it should. If you want to learn Full Power and use Perfect Shape, you have to work with BP Cost reducing buffs or items.
But I never thought that was The_Krypt_Keeper's problem. So thank you for your help Ahoshi!
Ahh, I had no clue since I remember I had like one cost reducing item and still didn't have any. x) That's also good to know, thanks for the extra knowledge! :)