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A member registered Jul 03, 2021

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Just finished it! Very good, but a little too short of you ask me. A couple of grammatical errors, and a hell of a teaser drop as well! Very well done! Looking forward to the next game!

Hey, I can't play the game. I keep getting fossil error.


Game looks good. Is there an android version? 

Will there be a coke and mentos bloat for Marie? Jkjk 

Just finished playing it and if has coke very far

Ah okay

Do you have a Patreon?

That doesn't help

what the hell is a slime baby?

It's been a hot minute since I played. Saw there was pregnancy. What the fuck did I miss?

It's been a minute since I played, and a lot has changed lol. Looking forward to the next chapter. I put a proper review on weight on what I think about it.


I fucking love this lol


Like, I will send you my save if you want lol.

(1 edit)

Nope. Got her to where she don't fit through the door anymore, and to where her stomach fully covers the blonde lady at the door. Got her to where she can eat four whole chickens and is still not stuffed. Got her to where she is perma-prego on an empty stomach. Either that or more story please....

Will there be a bigger belly size? I think I hit the absolute max lol

It's giving me issues. I will tell you here. I think you should do the character creation right when you start the game the first time, instead of after the introduction. Have it to where you can buy new stuff over time and not just supplies

I hit the link under the game. I haven't sent any messages yet. I just got out of work and away from my PC. 

Alright. I will post it on your discord! I subbed to it last night actually.

Okay, so I have some suggestions that would help this game. Can I message you them, or do you want me to message them on your discord?

I realized that and I downloaded it to my phone. It's very interesting. Posted up some pictures 

This is how far I have gotten my character. Will there be more?

Okay, so I played the PC version. It's not bad. Still early in development. I have many questions, like who's the chef?

That's what I mean! I can't get the mission going😭

Hey. I can't get Sally to appear at all. Has she implemented yet?

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Okay, so far after re-downloading the game. It didn't kill my PC yet this time. The game keeps crashing in the archangel level. Other than that so far, it's very interesting. Although, I do wish that the player would have the option to remove the genitalia that you obtain later on the game. If you do update this game again with that in mind, have it to where it locks certain skills. 

Hey, Daxe! will part one be released on here as well?

Hey, found another bug. g2pos14weight4 is missing or not properly named

(1 edit)

Your welcome! And I forgot to specify the last question. My fault. I mean, how do you get her to have a belly when Marissa is in the swamp?

(2 edits)

Question! How do you get to the cathedral backround with Marissa? Also, how do you get her to have a belly? I saw pictures in the game files. 


I found a bug at the end of the game, where you talk to Marissa at the beach house. You get an error. Maybe that has something to do with me not being able to figure out how to make her bigger? Also, all of her dialog came all at once too! 

Your welcome! And now that I know what to do, it's kinda addicting lol. Just to streaming section of the game

Okay, so it was hard as hell to download but so far it's been fun! One thing I have noticed though. Kassidy I think her name is? The one in the red shirt. In the progress bar, her weight doesn't change despite it going to yellow and the image changing. I thought I would let you know that. Other than that, There have been no game breaking bugs yet!


ah, okay

Hey, there is an issue with Lillico. When she is maxed out, her BP is low and can't use perfect shape.

Holy shit, I just seen this but haven't played it yet. It looks good! More Nerds is what the world needs!

I got that older version to work. Never saw the photo where casia eats everything

The game is trying to find photos that are not there. I literally copied all the photos and renamed them