Is steam version buggy? I play on Ubuntu Linux 22.04.2. I can not figure out how to activate several features of the game. Princess carry not possible, the hotspot hand outline does not appear Head patting I have managed twice, the hotspot appeared somehow. I try hard but no head patting appears If fishing works I for sure can not figure out how. I try collecting firewood, I manage to get some twigs to the fireplace in hut, but how to light the fire? The gas lighter does nothing when I try. Is the game somehow in virtual reality mode and expects input from a vr set? I have no virtual reality gear installed, and never had.
The q/e keys do help. Now the interactions start making sense.
Did not manage to make fire or fish yet, but I’ll start a new game now that I have learned how this works.
Maybe an instruction text or tutorial would help players like me. I did know the q/e keys, and tried them with fishing rod but could not figure out useful purpose for them.
Thank you for prompt help.