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A member registered Jun 14, 2020

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What version of Harem Hotel are you playing? On which OS?

Did you start a new game with 0.18 or continued from save made on older version?

Did you play beta versions before official 0.18? That messes old save, I have read on Discord and this forum.

What is this door glitch?

Have you played the game far enough that Ashley and Maria have moved to the hotel? They are not there at the beginning.

If you have only 4 rooms occupied, you are nowhere near finishing the game.

So, what happens instead? Very hard to help you with no useful information provided.

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This cat does not like raw fish.

See in game main menu the Info item.

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On PC I just loaded the latest save I had made in 0.17.2.

I have both 0.17.2 and 0.18 versions, I extracted them to different subdirectories.

If you ask how to do that on Android, I do not know. There are old discussions here, Discord has info and FAQ in Wiki may help.

The update isnt canceled.

I don’t use Windows, I play on Linux but here are some suggestions:

Download again, make sure downloaded file is complete and error free.

Remove the current installed files and unzip the package, watch out for any error or warning messages displayed.

Try starting game.

Windows users have had problems with antivirus or some such preventing game running, but you got it started so maybe that is not the issue. Some have reported it matters in which directory game is installed, but I do not know Windows stuff.

(1 edit)

Testing on Ubuntu 22.04, works but video is not shown.

On version 0.18 Linux version just displayed “Now Loading …” and game was stuck there when video should start.

Windows version 0.19.4 works a bit better, game is not stuck but instead of video playing there is just what looks like test pattern. The GUI is shown and works, I can “progress” in the video and the bar goes forward. Game does not get stuck, but test pattern instead of video.

I have Steam installed on this host, I start the game with proton-call –proton 8.0 –run Harem\ Party\ Adventures.exe

The console windows shows lots of messages like these:

(wine:290094): GStreamer-WARNING **: 13:15:26.491: Failed to load plugin ‘/home/pelaaja/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 8.0/dist/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/’: /home/pelaaja/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 8.0/dist/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

(wine:290094): GStreamer-WARNING **: 13:15:26.491: Failed to load plugin ‘/home/pelaaja/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 8.0/dist/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/’: /home/pelaaja/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 8.0/dist/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

(wine:290094): GStreamer-WARNING **: 13:15:26.492: Failed to load plugin ‘/home/pelaaja/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 8.0/dist/lib/gstreamer-1.0/’: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Could the problem be the space character in the pathname in “/Proton 8.0/ part?

Would that not mean redoing all images and animations where Ashley appears? That might be a lot of work. Auteur was going to release new version next week, redoing Ashley would delay the release for a year.

Shame on you for making us all wait so much longer!

Have you installed mods?

Any other changes you have made to the game?

What OS and what version of game?

Perhaps players on Android read this page without images or are otherwise constrained so it is hard to find the instructions for Android. Now it is marked only with the image, which is very prominent. Maybe it is not visible always?

Anyway, to perhaps make it easier to find, I suggest adding line zero with text “How to play on android”. Then text search finds it, at least.

Can somebody help me how to download this game please I’m using android

Does it help if you read the instructions marked with

(1 edit)

It is best experienced with a new save.

Does “new save” mean game should be started from the beginning?

Also, it says garden

is primarily an early source of income

Does that mean early in the game, that is when starting a new game the garden can be used to grow crops and sell them?

It was released two months ago on Patreon.

The public free version is published when it is ready. This has been announced ages ago.

My guess is public version is available before September. I hope.

I read above on this page:

NOTE: Please note that, due to file limitations on itch, the online version won’t have any media displayed on sex scenes. HOWEVER, the files are in the offline version, so for the complete experience I recommend to download the offline version.

Funny how much it is possible to learn by reading.

From the Download Now -button. Look for the penguin icon.

Seems developer added Itch as download site yesterday. So you can now download.

I seem to remember itch has a size limit for downloads. Next update probably is over 2 GB, then it can no longer be downloaded from itch.

What kind of guide?

For downloading the game, press the “Download Now” -button.

The Cock Heist quest should not start before the two photo shoots with Lois Pane are done. It seems impossible to complete the quest with photo shoots in the way.

By the way, are new versions not appearing in

Testing again on Linux, Ubuntu 22.04.4.

Works OK, except video sequences. When video should play screen shows “Now Loading…” and game is stuck.

I tried running windows version under wine and Steam client, videos do not work but maybe useful info gained.

Running under Steam client with

LANG=C proton-call –proton 8.0 –run Harem\ Party\ Adventures.exe

when video should play there is what looks like test pattern and the GUI is shown and works. Music plays.

On console there are messages about Failed to load plugin. But those plugin files do exist. And are readable by user. Maybe the problem is space characters in directory name?

(wine:462666): GStreamer-WARNING **: 20:01:03.009: Failed to load plugin ‘/home/pelaaja/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 8.0/dist/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/’: /home/pelaaja/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 8.0/dist/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

File is found if pathname is in quotes:

ls -lh ‘/home/pelaaja/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 8.0/dist/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/’ -rwxr-xr-x 1 pelaaja pelaaja 573K tammi 19 23:32 ‘/home/pelaaja/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 8.0/dist/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/’

Not found if quotes are removed:

LANG=C ls -lh /home/pelaaja/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 8.0/dist/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/
ls: cannot access '/home/pelaaja/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access '8.0/dist/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/': No such file or directory

Or maybe problem is 32-bit Harem Party executable and 64-bit operating system?

LANG=C file ‘/home/pelaaja/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 8.0/dist/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/’ /home/pelaaja/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 8.0/dist/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/ ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped

I believe this is not about missing decoder, I have installed all video decoders in Ubuntu.

It is a known bug. See older discussions on this comments thread, or join Discord and search in bug reports for “Maria lvl 30”. The new 0.18 version has fixed this bug, you could wait until it is released.

What are you downloading? From where are you downloading? How are you doing the downloading?

Is the game still developed, so Day 4 and 5 are in the works?

Day 1 was shortish, and I did not much understand what is going on.

By the way, I played on Ubuntu 22.04, using the command and everything seems to work. The game info only shows Windows support, but seems to work on Linux without issues.

Continue playing the game.

When it is ready.

It is not expired when I click the link.

Look at this part of the FAQ:

  1. I found a bug!

-You can report it on our discord.


could you send the link

Look at top of this page, there is link to … Robot Girlfriend community. Click that, and go to FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions) link. When in FAQ, search for the string discord. It is a link with invitation to Discord Channel.

It is a known bug, fixed in version 0.18.

See more info on Discord, #bug-reports channel, search for maria lvl 30

Or read older messages on this comments forum, this is discussed often.

Did you try following the instructions under

How do I transfer my save from one windows download to the other?

Did you install the game twice on same computer or what?

The save files should be in the folder where you installed the game, in game\saves. Copy the directory with its contents to the other installation directory.

i can’t download it?

Why not? What happens instead?

Have you tried pressing the “Download now” -button?

If you have not seen the password yet, you have to play further. Eventually when the story needs you to know the password you find it.

When paying for the download the currency seems to be $ always. I guess it is US Dollar. Can currency be changed to euro?

Does this game work on Linux? Need cattertainment.

At what point do you get that error? Have you checked you installed the game correctly on PC? Any errors during download? Downloaded file is complete and intact? Does the game start and you can save and load on PC?

That is a known bug. Find the previous discussions on this comments thread.

(1 edit)

Same thing happened here.

The image of the save shows the correct situation, but loading that save goes to a previous time in the game.

Perhaps saving in own room in the morning works reliably?

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Can I transfer my save from Windows to Mac?

I believe so, yes.

Use Internet Search engines with

harem hotel copy save from windows to mac

to learn how to do it.

Could this game work on Linux?

Any plans to make this work on Linux?