The first time I played it, I wasn't sure what to think, but the second time around, I found some interesting points:
- The story: Everyone knows Caesar, but few people know his life, and I personally didn't know it. So it was an interesting introduction, which could have been even more interesting if it hadn't been a wall of text. Next, the instruction surprisingly seemed to be a mix of instruction and history about the battle of Alesia. Again, I learned more about Vercingetorix, who I didn't know was this great adversary.
- The gameplay: although the aim was to build fortifications, there wasn't much in the way of progression (for instance, "random events" that would affect the player's resources), the choice of moving left and right was surprising as it didn't added much to the game. A progression bar on the troops deployed would have been a great addition (or an indication about troops when they have finished a task). Also, there seems to be resources and building, but it is not clear what cost what. So for my runs I just ended up going from left to right and assigning 10k troop to each task in loop until I see that one of the building is yellow or green and then deploy remaining troops somewhere else.
- The audio: cinematics music tend to give great tension music but feel repetitive on the long term. It would have been nice to have some sound effect when you deploy troups or when an action is done to give a bit more of awareness about what is happening.
- The art: I really like the takes on the characters :)
So even if it feel rough at first glance, there is a lot of good intention and I came out instructed. Thanks!
Edit: I forgot to mention that there are multiple ending (I won't say more to give people a goal to finish the game ;) )