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(1 edit)

Short prototype with top down controller, dialogues, combat,  quest systems... and a lots of work put into the environement. Did you sleep during the jam :D? Quite an impressive amount of content (and I'm not even talking about the time require to integrate all the assets!)
The dialogue are also well written and the mood and characters are belivable. 

It feels like you put a lot of thinking into the combat system, but the lack of polish make it feels a flat unfortunately. I hope you will refine it! Didn't find a good use case for the dodge, but after reading your answer below I did launch the game again to try to make some combo and effectively sometimes it feels good, before realising you have a limited number of throwing knifes ^^' - btw, the black text color showing your resources are not visible when the UI is outside the wall of the dungeons.

I can't give you much Graphics points as you didn't make any of the assets, but I recognize your great world building skill too. 

Great entry overall even if I would have like to get more story and lore through notes in the environment or dungeon for instance. You have a good base to expand on!

Thank you for all the helpful feedback!

Yeah, I definitely am going to focus on fine-tuning gameplay mechanics in future projects. I kind of just implemented the combat abilities and then moved on to the rest of the features.

I also realised, cause my expertise is programming, I made everything scalable. Not the best thing when I had time to only make one questline. xD

That's great to hear about the dialogue/story, as I find that aspect of making adventure games really enjoyable.

Thank you for playing!

(1 edit)

Haha yeah I understand the focus on scalability and reusability. I've also been fighting against my inner will to refactor half the code everyday I worked on the project xD

For the dialogue/story, did you make a custom implementation or did you use an existing library? We did use Ink and were blown away by it's potential once integrated into our framework, it might interest you!