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(2 edits) (+2)


Out of all the shooters I've played on itch (which isn't very much but still), this is by far the best.

This game is incredibly well designed, has some very creative ideas, has awesome graphics and sfx, and is extremely fun and addictive! 

The panning sounds took me by surprise and was a nice little touch! The sound in general was quite good.

I think the upgrades are what really makes this game stand out! It would normally be a problem that they come around too often, but it resolves this with the sheer amount of enemies you have to kill.  The ability to mix around the upgrades is an excellent choice, and the plethora of creativity in them is just astounding.

And boy is this addictive! I had to hurry up and click off the game before I got sucked back in! I love the choice of presenting new upgrades every time you die, so that not everything is completely reset and you can find an insanely fresh and creative upgrade whenever you restart!

For instance, I died the first time and was like "oh well gotta restart with the baby upgrades" but then I was like "wait... fanblade... what is that??? That's awesome!" and I got sucked right back in (I love the fanblades!). Same thing happened with the bombs!

It's choices like these that brilliantly expand upon the slow, ineffective shot at the beginning, and turn it into something completely badass at the end of the day. I mean, triple shots, bombs, fanblades, bouncing bullets, drones, and MORE, all in one shot?! Amazing! XD

The flavor texts for the upgrades are a little vague at times, but they are quite comical and fun to read (I read "Party Time!" and laughed when everything got strobe lights LMAO)

I can't even find anything else negative to say... maybe just a level system with progressively harder waves? It might not even need that tbh...

In short: This game is AMAZING and please keep this up!

I am honored by the amount of effort and expertise you put into this comment, you really are a cool person!

I hope to one day be just like you!


if you like this, there's another fun game i found


check it out