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This game is damn good. Not enough 18+ games (that aren't Japanese) that have Battle Lewd scenes. Thanks for sharing this. 

Also, allowing us to just opt out of the hypnosis with the unequip- able control device is great, allows us to get to the good stuff and still be an optimal vigilante. 


Thank! It really is an untapped genre, and a lot of fun to explore. The hypnosis toggle actually works on two levels: a. Just giving some flexibility and convenience to players but also b. In terms of narrative. It was important from the beginning to not have anything be forced story-wise: in broad strokes, what happens to Mezz can vary quite a bit, and it is entirely on the player and what decisions they make. The whole fun of games like this is maaaybe you kinda let yourself get caught, or chose a sluttier path because it was easier, etc. Rather than just "Play game, get porn."