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Great oppressive atmosphere and a cool take on the single-use theme. Controls felt tight, except that I personally would've preferred right click to aim and left to fire, since that's what I'm used to from most other games. Retrieving the arrow was sometimes kind of a chore, perhaps a greater pickup radius and some sort of glow or sound effect to find it if the player has lost track of it could help with that.

Unfortunately, I couldn't really figure out what to do. The crewmate behind the glass was unreachable for me, firing at the glass didn't do anything (though the broken glass on the other cells suggested to me that it was breakable) and there was nothing else around for me to do either. Running outside didn't trigger anything, so I'm guessing there's a sequence of flags and I was missing something along the way.
Also, restarting after death seems to only reset the first enemy, so I had to refresh every time.

All in all though, very nice work for a solo jam effort!


I think right-click aim, left-click fire would make more sense too.

I wanted to at least add some type of particle effect or shader that enables when the arrow is on the floor or stuck in a wall to help with retrieving it.

I realized after submitting the game that having the crewmate behind the glass right after telling the player to find their crew was confusing. The trigger outside was at the very end of the trail with the bones. That should trigger the end of the game.

Overall, thank you for your feedback, it will help me improve upon this game going forward!