Hello, i've played for hours at this point and noticed that there's a bit of QoL improvements that'll really help players if you're gonna implement them.
1: Showing crafting time for items and crafted amount in the recepe.
2: Showing amount of items in a stack on the ground (Preferably constantly, but can be toggle-able)
3: Grid - based placement, it really sucks to place everything pixel perfect and is the most annoying part of the game with which you spend most of your time dealing. Grid - based placement will streamline base construction and will be more intuitive than what we have right now. Grid - based placement will also negate the problem of conveyors, you just simply have 1 length instead of multiple. Another problem it can solve is resource nodes overlap (Basically set up separation parameter for them in X grids away from each other)
4: Controls. I really do not see any problem with making them better, for example - Left click to pick up items and place them into containers, Shift + left click to pick up produce, Right click to rotate items clockwise, Shift + Right click to rotate items counter clockwise, R to drop an item you're holding in hand on the ground, Shift + R to drop a stack on the ground, Space to change the placement mode (Grab, build, deconstruct, etc. - Left click to build and deconstruct, you can't grab items while in construct/deconstruct mode), L.ctrl - to run faster.
5: Limit the size of the map. Unlike in factorio, this game has unlimited resources in nodes, you don't need a map this big. Another thing is, is that with current map size most of your cowgirls just run away if you're not quick enough to stop them. Additionally, you can add parameters for generation so the spawn area has at least 1 patch of every resource, but on a good enough distance from a goddess and have enough space between each other to place all the machinery without overlaping.
6: When you zoom out interface should stay the same size.
7: Slightly increase stack sizes of different items, it's almost unbearable sometimes.
8: At a higher relations level for cowgirls add a feature of commanding them on where they should go (Enter a command mode with Space bar)
9: Add a small icon above cowgirls head to see what food do they like (When holding Q button).
I have more thoughts on the game mechanics but this post is aready big enough as is
Sent you a friend request on discord btw, i wanna chat about your game