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kittykiller kuriosity

A member registered Jul 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yes, it lets you know when coords aren't set for a structure that needs coords. When you've set the source/target, the warning disappears.

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Yeah you hold the bomb in your hand while setting the source, and then after you've set the source, you place the bomb as a structure by right clicking. All structures that require a source or a target work like this, so things like the logic gates. The bomb can also be put inside the press to automatically detonate it.

I don't have the capacity at the moment to make a full tutorial of the game, but if someone wants to take that task upon themselves, go for it.

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You can set the source of the yeast bomb by control left clicking somewhere in the world. Then you can place the yeast bomb next to the tungsten vein and when you place an item at the source of the yeast bomb, it explodes. You can think of the source as a trigger point for the bomb. The bomb reacts to items and to other logic components at the trigger point.

I haven't done blueprints because it would be very hard to do with the current code. Blueprints would be very good to have, and definitely possible, but it would take a lot to make it work.

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The yellow part of the logic gate doesn't have collision detection when placing the gate, so you can place it over anything. Open logic gates also don't have collision where the yellow part would have been, so you can place things overlapping that.

It could be that you haven't given it electricity, or that the goddess has a full inventory.

You can use the feeder like normal. Does the feeder not work on the second goddess?

Yes, so the gates react to gates as well as items, so the orange gate sees that the red/blue gates are closed and reacts to that (and stays open because it's inverted), and then when red and blue are open, the orange gate no longer sees them and instead sees the item underneath (which it reacts to by closing since items always give a true signal and the gate is inverted).

It is possible to make logic gates using logic gates. Here is an example of a nand gate, where c = a nand b. 

I do get that a specialized logic gate object would be useful tho, and I probably should have added it.

If you want to, you can send me the world file and I can check how much time the different objects in your setup take to process.

That last thing is an oversight which I'll fix. When it comes to lining up the temperature, you can use the > setting instead of >=, so then the cryo generator is only active if its above 0 and it never drops below 0.

The value on the x axis is how much you've fed her, the value on the y axis is how far along she is (the value that is shown as % on the save slot in the main menu), y * 10 = current friendship.  She needs like 125000 nutrition to get her to the first friendship level, so you probably haven't fed her enough. To speed up the process, you can level your character up and it will give the goddess a bonus for certain types of food depending on which body parts you have leveled up. I would also recommend that you use higher nutrition foods.

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It would probably make sense to separate the hitboxes for structures into a passive blue hitbox and an active orange hitbox, and I do think that it is a good idea, as it would make it more clear to the player how and where structures interact with things. For now tho, when it comes to the gates, if you want to place stuff overlapping their door hitbox, you can open the gate temporarily by inverting it, then place the structure, after which you can close the gate again.

The goddess friendship equals to how far along she is in the growth sequence times 10. So if you're halfway there, the goddess will be at 5 friendship. The goddess grows also logarithmically, so it means that it takes a lot more to get her from 4 to 5 friendship than it takes to get her from 3 to 4 friendship.

They activate from items as well.

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You can post your suggestions for the game here. It could be useful. I give no guarantee that I will implement them.

So basically none of the information is available if you haven't held the item at least once first, which is intentional, but maybe the temperature required to make the item should be something that the book shows regardless.

Whoops. I'll fix those things.

You can make oil in the inventory.


(but yeah, you have to design the setups around this restriction)

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It is probably possible to make item movement on belts parallel, but other components aren't so simple to parallelize so issues could arise from the interactions between the objects in the world. This can be fixed by computing all items at the same time before anything else each frame. It is also possible to make parts of the code run in parallel, like the collision detection function for the items, and the code inside crafters that checks their inventory against the recipe array. The problem is that the functions in gms2 aren't programmed to run on the gpu, and I don't think gms2 has an option to make my own code that runs on the gpu (apart from the shaders), so I would have to make my own engine for that. 

If I was to write my own engine, I would probably try to have all the objects in the world compute in parallel in relation to the same world state (and not in order, updating the world one object at a time like how gms2 computes it), which would open up the possibility of running a lot of it on the gpu, but I think I would have to program everything in the game in a very different way, and I don't have much experience actually writing gpu programs anyway (my experience is limited to the colour replacing frag shaders that the cowgirls use to render). I also don't know how well object oriented stuff works with the gpu.

You are right that parallelization would be good for running a game like this, but I am not experienced enough to make it happen sadly.

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Yeah, the problem is that the game has too much to calculate every frame if you have a large factory, and good gpu doesn't help with that. The solution is for me to have programmed it better, but apart from that, a solution that you can try is to minimize items on belts in the world. You can use long funnels, hovering hands, and rockets for long distance item transport instead of belts.

If it still lags, then you can reduce the number of crafters with items in their inventories. Different crafters also take different lengths of time to process if they have items in their inventory. The time depends on the number of recipes they can perform, with the assembler having the most recipes and the barrel having the fewest.

Usually minimizing items on belts does the trick tho. I hope this helps.

Topic for posting reports on bugs, crashes, or features that don't work as intended. If it is a crash, please include the crash report that the game generates either as a picture or as text.

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Topic for sharing setups. Posts should include images and may include a description of what the setup is for, how it works, and how to construct. If the setup includes components that have source or target coordinates, it should be marked on the picture where those coordinates are for each such component. Posts may also include .world files. Posts without pictures and posts that aren't about setups will be deleted. The exception is if you are requesting a setup.

(3 edits)

Topic for posting translations of the game. You should make no more than one post for each different translation you have made and edit the post when you update the translation. Posts that don't contain a translation will be deleted, comments under posts are fine.

Language files should be named x_y.lang where x is the ISO 639-1 language code for the language which the translation is to, and y is the version of the .lang file in your preferred version naming scheme. _y doesn't have to be included. Language files that translate to fictional languages, are joke translations, or are translations that aim to change the flavour of the game can be named whatever you see fit.

To install a translation, drop the .lang file in the folder at "%localappdata%/gain_factory_reloaded_/language/active/" and remove the en.lang or any other translation in the folder. To reset the en.lang file or generate a new, simply leave the active folder empty, and the game will generate a fresh en.lang upon startup.

I really wanted to add both music and more sound effects, as it is really cool to hear the factory operate, and more sound effects would be very cool. I am not very good at sound design, but I'll maybe add a few more sound effects. When it comes to music, I am not sure what kind of music would fit in this game, and every time I've tried to write something, it has turned out a little too heavy. I feel maybe a soft industrial rock vibe with flavour of dating sim music would fit the game, but all my experience is in writing metal. I do want to give it another shot tho.

Thank you for pointing out. I did this for testing and forgot to change it back.

You can use funnels to funnel items from conveyors or the ground into feeders (this applies to all inventory structures).

When a character reaches their maximum size for a body part, it triggers a dialogue option that increases the friendship by 1. This means that in total, you can get 4 additional friendship from maxing out body parts.


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For autosorting from a belt, you can line up some filter funnels on the side with filters for the desired items and make a pretty robust sorting system it that way. The funnels will pick the items off the belt when they move past, kinda like an ice water stream and hoppers in minecraft sorting systems.

The other funnels are like the filter funnel. The splitter divides the items into two lanes (either exactly evenly, or where there is space), and the long distance funnel is just a very long funnel but without a filter.

You can already kinda sort the recipe book. If you click the empty heart box above the item descriptions, it adds the item to the favourites. Then you can click the heart button above the item list to view only favourites. The order in which you favourite items determines the order in which they are displayed.

When it comes to the fps thing. The game doesn't skip frames, but instead slows down when lagging, so I wouldn't have expected the lag to affect the logic. If you experience that the lag affects how the simulation unfolds, I would recommend that you try to reduce lag. Tigorahan is right that items on belts cause lag, so it is best to use long distance funnels or hands for transportation.

I haven't designed reloaded to be able to load old saves, so it wouldn't be possible to just load it.

It is possible to convert the save, but it involves editing the savefile and replacing all the sprite and object IDs with the ones from reloaded, as well as replacing all the integer item IDs with the new string IDs, and also adding the missing variables to all the structures. It is probably possible to write a script for that, but other than that, if you try to load an old save into reloaded, it would probably crash.

I will look into it. It is probably some oversight on my part, because it shouldn't be the case that a setup can cause a crash.

I actually don't know what that could be. I could try to remove a bit of code that preloads some textures during startup for the next patch, maybe it could help, but other than that, I don't know. It could be a problem with the engine itself.

It is possible, but the zoom system isn't built for that, so I would have to redesign it. I didn't make it like this because the pixel art would look wonky when the zoom is between whole number values.

You need to blow up honeycomb using a nuke to turn it into graphene. Nukes can't be automated using the press but they can be automated using rockets and silos.

The cryo generator need a logic component at its source to be active. You can put a logic switch where its orange arrow is and click on the switch to turn it on.

Yes, it has to be done manually. I think it's better to leave translation to people who speak the language rather than run it through google translate, that way it can get localized properly and not just directly translated.

You can make electricity without caramel by using the stirling engine.