Hello Samuel! Another great feedback giver - oh man, my hopes and expectations for people playing my game and giving me feedback in this Jam have so fully come true thanks to folks like you -Tiger haz some great times here!
I will check the disappearing images. It happended during your first playthrough, right? I built a rudimentary image preloading system, but it only preloads the images it knows about - the latest ones I forgot to add.
- "I found it a bit difficult to select specific cards" -- Card interactions in these dense places also annoy me, to be honest. Who was doing this %&$ ?! Oh, wait - it's me :-D haha Yeah, the whole thing has to be more dynamic, I am afraid. Your idea of "pushing the other cards aside" is pointing into a good direction - I will try harder here and think about the math needed for that, do some experiments etc..
- "I'm not a huge fan of having a real time counter that ticks down while also having turn-based mechanics that eat up time from the same pool" -- This is an interesting point I also heard before. Interesting because there isn't really anything else than the time counter ticking down. When an actions says "30 min" the character just will keep doing this action for a little longer - roughly until this amount of time has gone by. I am speeding up time during sleep (maybe also when resting?) but just to prevent longer waiting times. And when the turn based battle starts, I hope(!) I am stopping the time - have to check that. Can you please help me to understand better your point? It is an interesting one, but I can't really grasp it.
- The nice-to-have pattern is totally understandable - will take car of that.
- "I think it would be nice to have [...] some basic 'struggle' attack that kicks in when you're out of weapons, like in Pokemon." -- Sounds interesting. Do you maybe have a link that shows this kind of attack? I was searching for another Pokemon feature before (someone said, it has a nice in-game tutorial for learning how to fight), but couldn't find that on either. Never played that game.
- Will take care of the spelling error - thanks for finding it. Should rename myself to Typo Tiger or something... it happens so often...
Thank you so much!