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(2 edits) (+1)

While I like the approach of this game. I think the mouse and keyboard combat is a touch janky for this kind of game. I would rather have throwing objects be based on what way I'm facing rather then where I'm pointing with my mouse. That, and only having three throwing objects is rather limiting. Maybe being able to pick missed throws up would help.

The standard attack is okay but the reach seems a touch short and I feel like my attacks aren't connecting a lot when they probably should.

Another thing I suggest is to display what materials I have for crafting items in their respective lists. Having to check what I have for every item is a bit annoying. It should probably say I have 5 our of 5 of whatever item or something listed next to the requirements.

Last thing is your movement speed. It's honestly too slow for this kind of game and I find myself hitting space a ton just to get moving faster. The dash itself should be like twice as fast and the movement should be near the dash speed. The enemies can be faster too to compensate. It just makes it feel like the game is playing at half speed or something with how slow you move currently.

EDIT: I think the lizard slime/fireball noise is rather loud too compared to everything else in the game.

I noticed if you spam M1s too fast that the hits don't register, slow down and they will register.
I think it's because of the HUD that pops up after hitting something.

I already realized that, but it's not the speed. It's like the hitbox is weird.