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A member registered Jul 22, 2021

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That requires joining a discord. It's not readily accessible. Especially for people that don't want to join yet another group discord.

Love the ideas so far! Also really like the progressing messages with repeated game overs. I'm assuming the demo doesn't go past !ERROR! though. Past that. I like the idea of progressing bondages such as the slimes and stuff. It seems they only get you stuck for the mashing game though. WOuld be nice to see some variance on that. As for the hypno stuff, I would love to see that expanded in ways. More mashing to think straight and perhaps the qtes altering to trick you into pressing the wrong buttons as you fall into the hypnosis more.

On another note, shame there was no special scene for walking into the slime dragon head directly. Felt like there would be something there for complying.

Is there a way to see what's in the latest update "before" I subscribe? Waiting a whole month to see the changelog is a bit weird.

Do you walk faster in this patch? Because the movement speed originally was really slow.

I already realized that, but it's not the speed. It's like the hitbox is weird.

(2 edits)

While I like the approach of this game. I think the mouse and keyboard combat is a touch janky for this kind of game. I would rather have throwing objects be based on what way I'm facing rather then where I'm pointing with my mouse. That, and only having three throwing objects is rather limiting. Maybe being able to pick missed throws up would help.

The standard attack is okay but the reach seems a touch short and I feel like my attacks aren't connecting a lot when they probably should.

Another thing I suggest is to display what materials I have for crafting items in their respective lists. Having to check what I have for every item is a bit annoying. It should probably say I have 5 our of 5 of whatever item or something listed next to the requirements.

Last thing is your movement speed. It's honestly too slow for this kind of game and I find myself hitting space a ton just to get moving faster. The dash itself should be like twice as fast and the movement should be near the dash speed. The enemies can be faster too to compensate. It just makes it feel like the game is playing at half speed or something with how slow you move currently.

EDIT: I think the lizard slime/fireball noise is rather loud too compared to everything else in the game.

I'm thinking I've done all the content in the patch, but the image on the left with Tibo sitting down in chains, I can't find that one anywhere. Unless, I completely forgot it happened.

Loved everything about this update! Still hoping for a rather fat/obese enemy that uses their heft to their advantage during the struggle portions sometime. That'd just be the massive icing on the cake for me! Loved all the encounters. ^^

(1 edit)

Nevermind, I figured it out! lol. Still said I didn't do any deliveries though in the side quest menu. It said I did three in the text on screen after delivering the crankshaft oddly so that must've confused me.

Will Kyrex get a route? I feel like it' is really missed potential not having it with how things can get resolved from another angle. Especially with what happens after you accept the invitation being a massive overreaction on Diego's part.

Curious, there ever going to be a heavyset/obese styled body type enemy to go against? Would love to see what they could do with that!

Looked into it. Yeah, that's what it was! Musta been so tired I blurred combat with that potion event!

(1 edit)

I downloaded the latest last night. I swear when I lost, it put me next to the tables and the slave from the beginning, forgot his name at the moment, I swear he said something along the lines of saying he was glad I decided to change my mind about being a slave. I was speeding through the text because I had lost that encounter before. I can't quite recall what was said but he was facing me and talking and was in the lunch hall area with me. I know it was late last night but that was a rather specific setup where it seemed intentional so I don't think it was a bug?

I remember losing and then I got told that I decided to become a slave and it looks like I switched paths in the new dungeon? I keep trying to recreate it but I can't remember how.

Gosh, the idea of Julian actually making the drone state permanent, at least until you find a way out of it is a lovely thought! Makes me wonder if it's enough for him to get his blue eyes to return as he slowly tries to work you down once again.

(3 edits)

Will Kyrex get a route? Makes one wonder how the story would unfold from that perspective. Given what happens in a certain route at the end, it would be neat to do that but from his point of view instead. Things felt really unfair to him and how everyone is towards him and it would be neat to see how it goes if he had someone there for him.