will it be on ubuntu?
To be clear, RPGMaker does theoretically have Linux support, but a lot of plugins and custom solutions don't play nice. And since I'm doing a little custom file IO for the special save feature, it's very unlikely to fully work as-is. As I've said though, people are welcome to experiment, I just make no guarantees (except that it WILL fail to work correctly on Linux out of the box).
Got this to work in Linux btw. Here's the little hack:
* Download and extract the Linux version of NW.js. I used nwjs-v0.80.0-linux-x64
* Copy the ./www dir and ./package.json file to the nwjs folder
* Fill in the name field for package.json ("name": "" -> "name": "anything")
* Rename www/img/system/Logo.png to logo.png
(windows is case-insensitive)
* Run ./nw
I was able to play through a few endings and saving works just fine. Enjoyed this game quite well, nice work.