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That is a very creative sountrack! I think the work of both of you helped in that sense and it's great put together. 

I loved you effort on textures and sound effects, it really feels more immersive than a simple song. I think that your songs are greatly developed too, you never know what to expect. It made me want to use my guitar for next jam as I didn't do it since a long time! :D

This Old Great Garden had the best musical twist I've heard and spot on with the theme, honestly amazing! 

BTW are you French? "Légende Urbaine" et le jardin des plantes de Paris 😏

Moi aussi ! Et j'utilise Cubase aussi ^^ Bisous les copains continuez c'est hyper intriguant et cool comme musique ! J'espère vous revoir sur d'autres jams ! 🔥