Galaxies disappear (about 2/3 of them)
Occurrence: frequent
Possible cause: converting all galaxies in another local group
There used to be more galaxies, including a galaxy with bookmark where the white circle is. The bookmarks do nothing.
(Occasionally they are reset including terraformed planets and megastructures)
And some bookmarked planets go crazy, look at this 4 x 2 planet.
2 - UI & Notes persist
Even after exiting the game, the notes persist and can be dragged around with the mouse.
After attempting to exit a bookmark that doesn't work, the loading progress bar is always displayed.
3 - QOL Bright star galaxies
Add in overlay menu for galaxies the option to show the the brightest star for every galaxy.
4 - QOL Convert local cluster
Add option to convert all galaxies in local cluster, it is too time consuming to convert hundreds, thousands of galaxies manually.