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Does anyone have instructions/advice on how to automate recipes that require a food source as an ingredient in an oven?  I'm trying to automate Grilled Cheese but can't figure out how to make it so the butter is used as an ingredient and not a food source.  It works for awhile as the butter won't go in as fuel while the oven has more than half of its fuel but once it gets lower than that it starts using the butter as a fuel source and stops the automation.  I can't constantly put butter in as it will eventually overflow the ovens ingredient spaces and I can't get the rest of the ingredients in.


You can use this setup. Furnace has 2 wrenches inside of it. Bread conveyor is at speed 2. All logic gates are connected to one spot. And the logic gate at butter is reversed.

Basically what it does is putting butter until its full and when recipe is done it stops butter from going for a brief second so that other materails can go to their spot. Same can be done with fossils fuel. Just make sure to put gates very close to funnels. Other than that it is kinda simple. (in my first playthrough i also thought about automating it and spent like 2 hours experimenting)

took some fiddling but I got this one up and running