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Wow! Now THAT was a game!

I was immediately excited when I saw the name of the first level, but oh man I was not ready for my own creation to be lovingly recreated in Shandy Pants format! The dialogue was hilarious and I loved all the little details added in. Man I REALLY need to get back to making that sequel.

I really liked how the QTE's had different little musical stings and had letters corresponding to the level or event. The QTE's were sometimes a bit slow but aside from that I thought they were great!

The different scenarios and context's for the QTE's in each level was really cool and must've taken a helluva lotta work. And seeing the modifiers worked into the game was fun to pick out individually.

Also oh my god I was not prepared for the OOPS level, I giggled for pretty much the entire opening cutscene!

And the ending sequence in the dino level was an unexpected treat. Surprisingly good singing voices!

And maybe it's just me but I found rotating the player camera could be a bit sluggish. It wasn't a huge deal since it wasn't needed that often, but for me it was definitely noticeable during the tower climb in the first level.

And I have to congratulate you for having a more detailed credits sequence than me lol.

Great work!


Really glad you enjoyed! I  have to  admit I  loved working on the "Town with no name" storyline 😅 and I tried to keep most former SBIGJam references a secret as far as I  could! 😊

Yeah the musical QTEs were probably the most difficult mechanical part of the game, as I  had to deal with them in a whole load of different varieties (playing in sync with the music, having a bit of leeway, having them play dynamically in a looping track, having to play in a specific section of a track looping then move on to  the rest of the song, having multiple ones played concurrently, playing in both cutscenes and gameplay, and adjusting for multiple time signatures and tempos).  I had to play it fairly safe in the end have the music play for 1-2 bars before they appear on screen, hence why they can sometimes feel slightly slow, but that's probably something I  can probably solve now I'm not stressing about getting all the content finished 😄

Really glad you enjoyed the music tracks! I didn't know how they'd turn out since it was just me and a voice changer doing all the VA, but yeah I'm really happy how it turned out!

Yeah that's a good point about the camera rotation!   I tried to keep a balanced between speed and precision but also I barely used it when testing except in  certain circumstances, so I didn't put a whole load of QA into that part  😅 Maybe I need to try an IMGJ sometime!

Thanks so much for the detailed feedback!