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Phew, I'm so glad that didn't annoy you! I didn't intend to record all of these originally but with baby brothers at college asking me to double check their work and younger colleagues doing the same I kinda, sorta got in the headspace and your work was the first thing I came across while in that mood. At least it was helpful to you so I'll do my best with A Villain's Heart.

I'm sorry to hear how tired you're feeling lately, unfortunately all I can do is to send my best wishes and hope you get some rest. I understand how easy it is to miss words, god knows I space out and do it too so it's only right that I do my best to support another person with similar problems.

I don't really have much to add regarding errors now I've listed them all. Only one thing bothers me but it's not an error, more likely something you didn't have time to do. All the little common units have their own story (which I love, it makes them less generic to me) but I can't support Earth Rogue after the second bond talk! He asks whether I should continue to lean on him or words to that effect. I just want to help get him out of his depressed funk :'(.  I can't complain, I get the +1 bond each time and that's what's most important. Talking about the common units, I have to wonder just what Earth Knight drunkenly did/say that he felt he had to beg forgiveness!

Regarding the characters, I like them all to more or less degrees. I've stated that Ruwin and Beisel are my favourite but their reasons for being so are completely different. Ruwin simply amuses me because of the sheer devotion he has for the MC, even to the point that he doesn't care about angering/annoying the others. ...Buuuut I also see that he wouldn't care about that anyway so it makes him feel more genuine and not as someone trying to get the 'closest'. He's very simple and honest and I tend to like those kind of characters in general (even if he did threaten to beat me into a bloody pulp, at least he admitted that he'd regret it). He even admits that he wants to be more like the MC; doing good things for others seems to be his end goal because he doesn't want to regress into the sort of person he was feels very human. I think most people can relate to this to more or less degrees, the desire for self improvement (hopefully not to escape the torment of a past murder though...). The one thing I noticed is that he expands on different past sins depending on whether you're on the love or friendship scene, I felt that was a good attention to detail. It seemed that with the friendship route, he's trying to be completely open but on the love route he wants to be as open as possible without destroying any chance he has with the MC.

Beisel is adorable! I've tried the love and friendship scene for all the characters and she was a darling in both of hers. The overall theme she gives me during them is that she just wants a someone close to her so she can pamper them. The admission that she wanted a best friend to walk arm in arm with was what ensnared me. I aww'ed too much over that. I usually have problems with warrior women because of how they're portrayed, the whole thing where they are strong and may as well be a man with boobs because femininity seems to be anathema to them. But Beisel was just perfect, she may not be feminine but she is 'girly' and isn't ashamed of that, she has times where she's tired but understands that she just has to get back up and kick butt. An awesome little lady. I do wonder how different she acts with a male MC and I will try it out in the future (preferably when the grinding has been sorted).

While I have trouble deciding which character is number one or two in my eyes, Katnir is a very respected three. He seems to genuinely care for the MC early on. While the others are all arguing what the Transient One will do to do whatever it is they want the MC to do, Katnir is reminding them all that the MC has no obligation and may well just want to go home AND THAT'S OKAY. The difference between the friendship and love route was much more obvious but it made sense to me. His mini freak out after the love confession stems from him overthinking, which he seemingly does frequently, so he seemed to stay within character to me.

The others are sweet too in their own way. Lor needs some tissues - he's just as honest as Ruwin in the emotional sense just in the opposite way. Emotional honesty is not the same a factual honesty and it's very easy to see early on (as Water Mage) that he has some secrets if only because he repeatedly downplays himself so he doesn't give the MC any information that may lead to him slipping up and admitting things he did not want to confront. Again, like Ruwin, he's tormented by his past but unlike Ruwin he believes in redemption and will aspire towards that. Same desire but different reasons (the desire to do good but become a better person (Lor) and the desire to do good to not be a bad person again (Ruwin))

Samuel and Beleiph seem to have a similar character development in that they need to learn how to interact with others. Samuel is trying to figure out who he is when he isn't the temple fortune teller but he is kind and earnestly tries to reach out (he's the only character that figures out that maybe the MC isn't feeling all that great about being there and may want a hug/friendly pat-pat!). Beleiph seems to know who he is already but doesn't know how to progress and bridge the gap between people and beasts. With that being his life work, he is aware that he has little to say other than that and it seems to cause some level of personal discomfort because he wants to get close to the MC and just doesn't know how. Samuel seems like he has the ability to learn and grow on his own but Beleiph will need a bit more help and doesn't know how to ask for it.

I may have read these characters wrong but that's my interpretation on them all. They have very human issues, that people can sympathise with even if they don't understand. It has only just occurred to me that the similarities between characters (redemption - Lor/Ruwin and humanity - Samuel/Beleiph) seem to happen with conflicting elements. I don't know if that was intentional but nicely done! And of course, Beisel doesn't have this issue because she's lovely and wonderful as is.

Regarding the loyalty grinding, I have a few thoughts. I noticed that money isn't used very much after recruiting all the common units (at least I didn't use it other than to pay for Samuel's readings) and had an idea. What if there are other gifts to buy that give small loyalty boosts like +2 or +5 or whatever depending on price?

On another note, it turns out I've played your previous work! I had finished Soul Union then dabbled with Soul Labyrinth in my (at the time, sparse) spare time and enjoyed them, swore that I would keep an eye on future works, got caught up in my work and unfortunately forgot about you! Even after playing ADW something had played on my mind - "why does this art style feel similar?" So when I looked up what else you'd made, I felt like an idiot when it all came together!

So what I've learnt from that is that I'm a fan and am looking forward to whatever comes next from ADW or another project!

I shall stop here and wish you all the best in both your projects and personal stuff! Thank you for reading my comment and not getting angry over the amount of spelling mistakes I raised lol

Aww thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me. I like your suggestion for using gold to help increase the loyalty gain. Also I want to thank you again for the reporting all the spelling and grammar mistakes. It's really a lot of volunteered labor! It's like having having a proof reader and it's very generous of you! I'm also glad to hear that you enjoyed both the friendship and romance conversations, as I wonder sometimes if it's worth the extra effort of making so many optional dialogue paths and wonder how many people are actually interested in reading it all. I enjoy the visual novel/ game format for writing characters because I can more freely explore different facets that I wasn't able to fully explore with comics but boy does it create a lot of random text. About the Earth Rogue, it was an accidental oversight that his bond convos didn't get finished. My apologies! I finished them in Villain's Heart and I will be fixing it in ADW in the future. Also with Earth Knight, I imagine he was drinking around some of the other guys and the topic of the MC came up. He chimed in with a crass remark, (something he'd never repeat while sober, along the lines of "I'd hit that") so you can fill in the details with your own head cannon lol. I'm so glad that you shared your interpretation of the characters as they are very accurate to what I was aiming for! I do have to confess though that the similar growth/opposing elements is a happy accident. It is very fun that you picked that out. Ah thanks for giving me such a nice motivational message. I will have warm fuzzies for the rest of the weekend while I work on writing endings. Best wishes to you~