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Hello! I'll take a look into making this easier to do in the near future but the code which is blocking your events from spawning is located inside the Ritter.canSpawnOn() Function. I do have one method in place to allow for spawning on events which requires a script call to enable it. 

If you use the script call

Ritter._spawnOnEvents = true;

this will allow you to spawn on top of events. 

it can be disabled by using 

Ritter._spawnOnEvents = false;

it's defaulted to false so if you want to spawn on top of events set it to true.

I'm considering adding this as an optional argument for the Ritter.spawnEvent command, that may be something that happens in an update soon.

Thank you and I hope this helps you out in the meantime!

Thank you very much. A script call is fine, as long as it's mentioned in the documentation.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok, so that script call does work for spawning on events but not for spawning on the player.

E: I found the line blocking spawn on player position, I'll add an additional check for if the player is not set to through or same as character priority