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(3 edits) (+1)

This is a cute little experience, with stunning art and sound design!

The camera feels slightly restrictive, and combined with the often slow charge-ups of the weapons, it can make the little combat there is feel very clunky and slow.

That being said, I like the use of the theme (recursion, I guess?) and the story it tells;

/s - “Vandalism might be wrong, but always prevails!”* ;P

Seriously, great work on the assets and atmosphere!


Haha, I love that “Vandalism might be wrong, but always prevails!” 
And yes, totally forgot to mention that recursion was the theme here I am actually super thankful you noticed that, good eyes lol I totally agree with the clunky combat and camera. That was probably due to a lack of planning on my part (I knew the combat could be improved amply :/).
Thank you so much for the kind words regarding art and sound. We appreciate it! Thank you very much for playing!