Hey Treerover!
Your idea sounds really cool. Plus, I appreciate that you're interested in incorporating Trello, project management, etc.
I'm hoping you'd be interested in letting me on as a sound designer. I'm really really looking to get some more experience doing hands-on audio coding whether it be directly into UE or using Wwise/Fmod. While that may sound iffy, I do promise to keep out of the way in the off-chance that I can't hack it. In my defense I do have experience doing my own audio implementation, but I'd love a team setting and a long-term project like this where I can really hone my craft. YOu can take a look at my Itch which has links to my portfolio that can hopefully vouch for my ability. Lemme know! Feel free to add me on discord (hozach) if you're interested! If not, no worries and thanks for reading anyways!
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Thank you so much for your kind words in regards to the music and thank you extra much for playing! Super sorry the OST is not yet available but it will be very soon–aiming for this Friday! (as Max graciously mentioned already). (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ Hope you check back for that and again, thank you so so much!
I thank you from the bottom of my soul that your comment means much to me! (^ ^) Your enjoyment is everything to us! OST will be out soon so hopefully you check around for that. Regardless, your words to the music and the game is all I/we need (─‿‿─)♡
Thank you so much for playing, and big thanks to Max for letting me "run with it" and trusting me with such a vibe.
This was immensely fun! Love this one. The music was boppin I loved it lol. Love the graphics and play style. First-person fighting is really aesthetically pleasing in such a low resolution. Awesome work! Definitely re-playable fun. Also cool to use voice acting (I think I hear a voice?) when the player is hurt lol.
Haha, I loved this! Never played Duelist of the Roses but huge Yugioh fan here. Loved the sound, I was bobbin' to the music the whole time! I'm loving the artwork too. Not sure if you know Slay The Spire but for some reason it gave me those vibes (love the art in that game too). Awesome creativity coming up with this play style for this jam! Well done!
Haha, I love that “Vandalism might be wrong, but always prevails!”
And yes, totally forgot to mention that recursion was the theme here I am actually super thankful you noticed that, good eyes lol I totally agree with the clunky combat and camera. That was probably due to a lack of planning on my part (I knew the combat could be improved amply :/).
Thank you so much for the kind words regarding art and sound. We appreciate it! Thank you very much for playing!
This was very cool! It also took me a bit to figure out the jump lol. Then I actually paid attention to the example NPC and things got going lol. This was really neat. Very smooth gameplay and combined with the music this became a really entrancing experience. I could imagine playing something like this on my couch for hours. Very nice!
I feel as though this question is a bit silly, but I'm not sure the general rules of submission.
I plan to submit my game the day before the deadline whether its finished or not and then update it as needed before the submission deadline.
This is so in case there are any unexpected troubles (never know what can happen!) at least my game will be up and I can just update it in the final hours if desired.
Is this generally okay (so I know not to ask this in the future if this is a dumb question), or is this usually not okay (all submissions final-kind of thing)?
Thank you very much for your help.
I love the sound and music with this one. Wow. just really weird, immersive, and dynamic. Bravo with that. As a result the environment felt really good and effective as pointed out already. Very nice! Love the use of short cut scene to bring you to different section. It just felt really cinematic for me in that way. The only thing is just as ju5tnj pointed out with controls. But perhaps you wanted that pace for the player. But, yeah this was just such a good use of a simple liminal idea and making it immersive! Nice!