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(7 edits) (+1)

Without being disrespectful, I think its fine in various aspects but it needs fixes in some stuff as a lot of people say, but about the speed, well, I can say that visual novels are slower than the average story because they can use more time telling stuff than comics, Tv Shows and Animated Series, given the ability of showing more with less resources, and also, that the player can read it calmly or extremely fast but looking at the pictures, I can recomend that it should take its time to move and just describe more the stuff, like, more dialogue, and maybe longer descriptions because the dialogues dont need an entire drawing to have the characters talking

Also, the characters are bigger than they should, I recomend making them X1.25 or X1.5 the size of a human being, because in real life its probable that a lot of them would not be taller than 2.72 meters (Higher recorded in human history [AKA: Extremely Rare])

Also... MC's Name is weird, Who calls someone like that in this world?
In fantasy is posible, but not in our Normal Land [xl]

(2 edits) (+2)

You are not being disrespectful; your feedback is valid. We decided to scrap the script and rewrite it from scratch and fixing the story and its pacing . and regarding the sprites, I will make changes to them and fix them up to make them more appealing to look at. Thank you so much for your feedback. We are improving as we go. 

MC's name is name of Greek origin and an alternative for Phoenix. Meaning “dark red." All we did is change it from Feenix, to Feenyx.