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I love the concept and the design of the monsters. The grid reminds me very much of another game of yours, Apoplex! I think it was the snail tactics one.

I'm guessing probably others have commented on this, but the letter minigame itself is pretty hard hehe. I died so many times! I think it's a very interesting mini-game, but a tad too unforgiving. Maybe instead of losing after instantly touching the wrong letter, there could be a small buffer where you could still get away - that way you could feel like it was indeed your fault for not positioning yourself better.

Balancing is tricky, and in game jams it's something I find very complex myself because we can't simply patch the game to fix balancing issues. My game has a similar issue with the last boss, in which depending on your choices, it becomes extremely difficult (if not impossible in some cases) to win against. 

Visually speaking the game is absolutely lovely. The description card, the menus, and even the borders during the minigame are very good - it nails its style in a very charming way. Despite the difficulty, I had fun playing it. Great work!

thank you for the thoughtful feedback! and glad you still remember Apoplex! :))

due to lots of feedback about the difficulty, i've made a post-jam version on the TIC-80 website where the minigames advance at 50% speed:

(the build on the itch page is untouched.)

yeah balancing is tricky, and i still easily fall into the trap of 'developer difficulty' - making the game challenging for myself, and then noticing it's almost impossible for others.

i'm glad you had fun, that cheers me up!