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Any way to disable or skip the constant dick-pics?


Yes you can choose to skip after the 1st round, and after that there's a only a few more anyway, the rest of the game is photos of women. 


Great - Thanks!

(1 edit) (+3)(-3)

That sucks i wish there was an option to disable all men


You don't see many at all. It's just part of the story that you'll see a few

I chose to skip, and I still get tons of them. Dude was just like "Nah, I'm sending you a bunch of dick pics anyway." And then a couple days later, Maddie was all "I need you to check out all these dick pics." I even restarted the game, and it happened the same way.


If you restarted the game you would have had to see them twice! 😝 Trust me there's only a few in those early chapters, the rest of the game is women. 


thats just the realism, theres too much meat on these sites not enough women to go around on them