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Yes you can choose to skip after the 1st round, and after that there's a only a few more anyway, the rest of the game is photos of women. 


Great - Thanks!

(1 edit) (+3)(-3)

That sucks i wish there was an option to disable all men


You don't see many at all. It's just part of the story that you'll see a few

I chose to skip, and I still get tons of them. Dude was just like "Nah, I'm sending you a bunch of dick pics anyway." And then a couple days later, Maddie was all "I need you to check out all these dick pics." I even restarted the game, and it happened the same way.


If you restarted the game you would have had to see them twice! 😝 Trust me there's only a few in those early chapters, the rest of the game is women.