Great job! Really impressed by what you guys managed to put together in such a short time frame. It was pretty fun and I got all the way to the end with a score just shy of 5000. The lowest on the leaderboard :'(
The sound design was top notch. I found the little clicking sounds in the menus very satisfying. The music was solid too, very professional sounding, but maybe lacking somewhat in identity.
The controls all worked great and were intuitive.
The artwork was really solid all around, both 2D and 3D. I especially liked the architecture and the painting of MC-kun on the loading screen.
In terms of performance, there were instances where my game would freeze up, usually when multiple enemies were visible at once. Sometimes some strange visual glitches would flash onscreen as well. But outside of this it was fine, especially given the multitude of visual settings I could configure.
Great work overall guys!