I really enjoyed it! Controls & mechanics felt very intuitive, but then again I am familiar with roguelikes and have played a fair bit of Vampire Survivor. It was cool that some upgrades carried over between runs. I never managed to make it past the dino, though that was mostly bc I always got stuck in a room before I could collect enough 'permanent' upgrades to be boosted enough haha. For my skill level, the game definitively felt balanced. My favorite enemies were the slimes (bc of how they split up and can really overwhelm you if you aren't careful) and the fancy man spider (mostly bc of his design). :)
I like the auto attacks, but I wish there was some more strategy/complexity to the attack/movement relationship. Things like e.g. the attack rate increasing when you stand still, so there's an incentive for minimal movement, or adding different attack types that require different movement patterns/have different ranges. Idk if these examples specifically would be good ideas, I'm just throwing out suggestions. Or you could introduce upgrades that completely change the way attacks work (e.g. they become AoE instead, or have shorter/longer ranges, etc.) so there's some more variety. I understand it's a demo, and that this would involve a lot of balancing, but some wild cards beyond simple +attack +speed would surely be fun.
I would also like to be able to attack bats while they are flying above obstacles, I found that a bit frustrating. If you wanted to introduce an enemy type that sort of 'ambushes' you by mostly moving in obstacles / walls, e.g. something like a ghost, that would of course be fun. But I just expected to be able to hit a flying bat right next to me.
The slime bug seems to still be there (I played the web version today), since I got stuck in a room with a slime outside the wall (see screenshot). Another time I got stuck in a room AGAIN, but this time I couldn't see any enemies at all. It might've still been an off-screen slime, since there were slime enemies in that room.
Overall this was a very fun game and I like where it is going!
Also an off-topic comment, but: I bought Endhall a couple months ago, and I still play through it every other week or so when I need a break from work. It's one of my favorite 'short' games. :)