Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yeah what you're saying seems to make sense, there's probably a few potential improvements there to help prevent that situation from happening lol. Making it more clear what the endless icon did (or just not showing it until you've fixed all the other files) would probably help.
I didn't realize you could actually open one of the other corrupted files while you had the window for endless mode up, because that would definitely cause problems lol. The desktop node itself (Rather than the popup window running the minigames) is handling stuff like spawning spam windows and attacks, and listens in for a signal from the minigame window to determine whether you won or lost. After you lose in one window it probably stopped listening until you opened it again. There should probably be a way to close those windows when you really want to (You're right in that I disabled the close button since I kept accidentally clicking it lol), maybe I can just add a hotkey or something that closes it. Minimizing it isn't a bad idea, maybe you could even use that as a sort of dodge to avoid certain attacks. Might open up room to make the attacks more threatening.
Agree on the polish/particle effects in the minigames. The minigames themselves unfortunately kind of ended up being an afterthought as I added and tweaked things in the rest of the game. If I were to do this again I'd probably focus on them a bit more.
Regardless, thank you for playing! I appreciate the feedback!