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A member registered Jun 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is really awesome! Super stylish and a really creative and interesting idea for a deck-builder. It's a little janky to drag the cards into the places you want, but that's fine (Also, not sure if you already know this- if you lose and then try another run, you keep the same deck that you lost with).

I see a lot of people commenting that they really didn't understand how the game worked at first- and I was in the same boat lol. It wasn't until after I randomly beat the first enemy, then was forced to cut a card in the second fight that it actually clicked with me. I wonder if having the first initial fight have something other than 3 actions (Like 2 maybe), before you even get prompted to add any cards to your deck would help with this. That way you'd be forced into understanding the cutting mechanic.

Again though, the concept is really cool and all the animations are super satisfying. Really good job!

Thank you for playing! I mentioned this in a previous comment, but the lack of a "wait" feature was an intentional decision that I don't think was 100% successful. It can lead to some frustrating situations like you described- although I think that may partially be more of an issue with the level design. Maybe having more loops in the levels and less dead-end corners would have helped.

Thank you! You would not be calling it "beautifully programmed" if you could actually see the code base lol

Thanks for playing! You actually can still use the arrow keys to get to the exit button in the shop (just keep pressing down), or you can press escape to close it. Probably more of an issue with how the buttons are laid out- having the close button off to the side kind of makes it look unrelated to the other buttons.

Good note on the background too- I think there may have been a cleaner way to get the sort of effect I wanted. Maybe just tiling the background so it could move with all the foreground elements but keep the background drawings in view would have been enough.

Thanks for playing! Yeah not being able to skip was an intentional decision on my part. The idea was that you'd erase things like rocks or use items to let enemies get closer- so it'd be a sort of resource that you could run out of. Not sure if that was entirely successful though, since enemies sort of bum rush you when you enter a room, so you don't have a chance to get near many rocks or other objects.

This is awesome, I'm such a sucker for games with this sort of aesthetic and theming.

Thanks for playing! That's so strange- I've got the fullscreen button option enabled in the game settings, and when I go to the page I'm able to see the button and fullscreen it. What browser are you using? Not sure if it's a problem with my game export or

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it. Damn, yeah adding WASD is a no brainer I can't believe that never occurred to me lol

Off the top of my head: in the room of the main house where the lighthouse painting is, I got a bit confused thinking that there were more rooms to the right side and down towards the bottom of the screen. And then in the mushroom area there was a point where, while going through one of the log tunnels, I guess I got stuck against a wall? If I could see my character, it would have been easy to back up and go back through but because I couldn't, I ended up trying and failing a bunch of angles and then just restarting the game lol.

I think for that second issue just making the hitboxes for those screen transitions a bit bigger would probably help a lot. Hopefully that helps a bit!

Thanks for playing! It's funny- one of my biggest pet peeves in games is when the audio is so incredibly loud that the first thing I do when I boot it up is go into the settings and turn the master volume down by like 80%. I think because of that I end up mixing the games I make to be quieter than maybe I should...

I'm glad to hear that you went back and got gold medals on all the levels, but yeah, I've seen more than one person comment that they got stuck on one or two of them. I think having a setting that let you loosen the time restriction on levels would have been an easy solution that would have let people see more of the content without struggling as much.

That being said- during these game jams I always wonder whether people would actually use any provided difficulty settings over just moving on to the next game. But if it's pretty low effort to implement I don't really think that matters much.

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I just kept adding letters and the word kept getting longer and longer lol

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it! One of the perks of working as a software dev professionally is that I can write a whole lot of code in a very short time if it's okay that it's shitty lol

Thanks for playing! Some of the levels feel a lot more unfair than others- I wish I had more time to balance them but that's how it goes. I also really should have just added a way to loosen the timer restrictions on certain levels if people wanted to- just so that players who were struggling could still see all the levels and the ending...

Regardless, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, I had a lot of fun writing/drawing the cutscenes lol.

It was a long week- but I'm always trying to push how much I can get done in these jams.

This is really cool- and honestly a pretty unique idea I haven't really seen before in one of these jams. Smashing the ghosts feels satisfying, and the music contributes a lot towards getting you in that flow state of smashing ghosts as they pop up.

That being said- it doesn't feel like there's too much of a progression. I played until like defiance 6 or so (I think that number is how many times you've revived)- but stopped there because I always had more than enough money to buy the revive +10 max hp. I can tell that the game gets objectively harder- the ghosts get faster and attack more often, but I didn't really feel like it made that much of a difference since my health was always increasing enough to offset it.

Maybe it's just a case of having the price of that particular upgrade scale harder? Idk, I know it's always hard to balance these games in such a short time- but it always feels bad to quit an arcade game out of attrition over losing.

Regardless though, great job! I definitely enjoyed playing 

This was really cool! I like the vibe, and each of the different worlds were very distinct from each other. And I'm going to come out and say it... I like tank controls! I think it's the only way you can do these types of fixed camera games and have them actually make sense.

The character felt great to control- however there were a lot of areas where it was easy to completely lose track of yourself, either behind geometry or from being able to go off camera. It made it a little difficult in some areas to navigate, or just to tell which directions were another screen versus a little bit of empty space just off camera.

Overall, great job though! Would have been a good moment if, after the last painting, the ghost kept following you until you got back to the front door lol.

Thanks for playing! I'm glad to hear you went back and got the gold medals on all the stages! To be honest I had a lot of trouble balancing the last level. I wanted there to be some big enemy that sort of broke the rules and moved outside of the grid- but it was always either impossible to avoid or a complete non-factor. I think as it is right now, it's still kind of fucked and requires too much luck to get the gold lol.

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, everything was done by me- it was a long week lol. I saw "Haunted" and the "Pursuer" wildcard and some kind of version of pacman seemed to make a lot of sense.

I wish I had a bit more time to balance the levels a little better. I think since I was trying to stuff in all the mechanics I made into only a few levels, I ended up with a really weird difficulty curve. Thinking about it now, I wish I had put in a setting that let you loosen the time restraint so that people could see more of the levels if they wanted to.

Thanks for playing! Yeah, my original idea was "Pac man but you have a gun" and I went from there lol. 

I definitely wasn't able to get the controls 100% to where I wanted them. There's a bit of input buffering so that if you try to turn just before an intersection you still turn- but I realize now that I didn't buffer inputs in the other direction. So, if someone is consistently a frame or two late on the turn input- they won't turn- which feels bad.

Music is definitely something I struggle with too. I think what I have right now works well enough for the intro/title screen- but for the actual gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. 

Oh man there's just a property for it lol - yeah that's exactly the behavior I was talking about. Thanks for taking the time to look that up!

To your point though stuff like this is definitely important. If the first thing someone sees when the boot up the game is text that they find physically difficult to read, well that doesn't leave a particularly good impression lol.

Lol I get that. I don't think this camera angle couldn't work- because I do think it looks cool lol. Maybe if things faded out as they got closer to the camera, or your actual character model was a bit smaller? That's what's good about these jams though- you can experiment with stuff like this and find stuff that works/doesn't work!

Thanks for playing! I really need to start remembering to go in and clean up all the input mappings before finishing up my submission- especially now when Godot makes stuff like gamepad support so easy now. I'm surprised that all the ui navigation worked but the laser didn't- seeing as that was mapped to "ui_accept". Maybe some control still had focus and was eating the input or something.

Good call on the text too- didn't really think about that. Was just trying to get those cutscenes done as quick as possible Sunday morning lol. Not sure if there's a way to both keep the text centered and have it scroll char by char without the whole set of text moving. Maybe there's a way with RichTextLabels?

But again, thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, I guess looking at it now there really isn't anywhere in the game that actually calls out how you can only move forward- I'll put something in the game description lol.

I really like how the game looks, and I appreciate all the little flourishes that happen when you place down logic gates or how the numbers in the test results flash when the get updated. 

The idea is interesting too, but the puzzles themselves are just not really that fun to solve. It ends up kind of just feeling like trial and error even when you're actually trying to remember how each gate is actually working. Maybe it's too much information too early? Or I could be stupid lol.

This is cool! I really like the aesthetic. Although with how everything gets right up into the camera it can get a little difficult to actually see what's in front of you, especially once you start to get further in and the ghost starts moving things around.

Having the destroyed cars turn into ghosts that keep driving and then try to screw over other players is a really creative and cool idea for a twist on a standard racing game. Great job!

Don't sell yourself short man, the whole point of these game jams is to just make something and mess around. I like how claustrophobic the shadows make the game feel. And I love the cute little drawing of the ghost after he gets you. I just wish he was a tiny bit slower lol.

This is really cool! Love the atmosphere. This is the type of stuff that makes me really want to make a horror game for one of these jams lol.

Not sure if maybe I'm missing something, but I can't seem to figure out how to actually damage the ghost lol. Is the camera supposed to follow the player off screen? Hopefully you have more time to work on your game next jam!

Glad you like it! I posted a zip of the windows export a few days ago- hopefully that works for you! It's been a while since I did anything but web exports

Sure thing lol, are you using Windows or Mac? Windows is a lot easier to export to for Godot :)

Also, fair warning: this is not a 1-1 recreation of Rodent's revenge. It was really just something I made for fun- If you want the faithful rat experience, you'll probably have to figure out how to get a DOS emulator to run on your machine.

Glad to hear it! Yeah there were a few pretty bad bugs that I missed in the initial submission- which it seems like I (at least mostly) fixed after the fact. Agree that the game is too easy, I tend to lean that way for game jams so that more people see more of the content, although it's debatable how well that actually works lol.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! I appreciate it

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked it. Yeah I think going forward I'm going to use vector fonts rather than bitmap ones for games like this with a lot of text. To your point, they can get pretty chunky and distorted at different resolutions. Probably just worthwhile to use a font that scales more cleanly for readability, even if it doesn't entirely fit with the aesthetic I'm going for lol.

Great job! There's a lot of cool ideas going on here! I see now what you were talking about with handling the art at different zoom levels/resolutions. Everything seems to scale just fine though! I was a little confused at first as to what the actual goal was- but you explained it well enough in the game's description. 

Some sound effects would definitely go a long way and would be worth messing around with next time I think. Overall great job though!

Nice! Yeah there's definitely a steep learning curve (at least for me lol), but Godot's control nodes are definitely powerful.

There's always going to be more you could have done! I try to at least make sure I keep some of the specific feedback on that sort of stuff in mind for the next project I work on.

This is a cool idea! I don't know if I fully understand what's going on- I made some hybrid plants but I don't know exactly how to feed the pumpkin on the right lol. I think there are little things you can do to help convey things a little more clearly (Like having the icon in the shop for buying blood be more clearly tied to the watering can. Either have the same icon on the watering can or make the shop icon be a watering can with the blood symbol next to it or something. Little things like that can help a lot).

This is cute! Good job on your first game!

Ohh, the controls were for an AZERTY keyboard! That makes sense. I thought I was missing something or having a stroke lol. Good job though! The game is very hard, although part of that was because I was struggling with the controls, but also the pigs are just absurdly fast.