Determination709: "Edit: in fact, how are you so bad at understanding this?"
It's really hard (almost impossible) to understand what you are trying to say. And I don't want to waste my precious free time trying to find out. I recommend putting more effort into your posts. Post less, but with more substance (more quality, less quantity). Maybe now you understand why I blocked you. I assume Enslish isn't you first language?
Determination709: "i have no idea how thoughtful woodsmoke called me a kid."
This is a good example. Your post says that I called you a kid, which I NEVER have. Not you or anybody else here, ever. Is it a mistake, are you lying, or are you having problems expressing yourself? I don't know and don't want to use my time to find out. But now I'm accused of being a mean person here, even though I am a friendly guy. :'(
Why not concentrate more on making games? You don't seem to have any games uploaded here, or seem to be sharing your progress on your current projects. Put your determination to use by making and uploading cool games and devlogs!