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It's really hard to navigate through the maze with its constant turns... Not sure what the attack does as well since nothing happened apart from a sound. The maze navigating part of the game is cool and I wish it was more like you have to find the correct path before the time runs out! That would've been really fun with the fisheye effects!

Hi! I agree it is a difficult game, especially if you lose track of the Light early on; I’d recommend restarting the level (‘P’) if you lose track and want to try again.

For the attacking, you have to be within a certain distance (about 2 tiles if I’m remembering correctly) in order to hit the Light, otherwise you are too far away to succesfully hit. I plan on adding a visual indicator for this if I update the game after the jam is over :)

Apologies if you lost track of the Light early on and were confused on what to do; “you have to find the correct path before the time runs out” is actually how I would describe a large part of the game – except instead of a timer running out, it’s if the Light is further than 100 tiles away, at which point it is considered to have “fled”.

If you would like to try out the game again knowing this now, I would really appreciate to hear your feedback again and a reconsideration of the game’s mechanics! If you have any personal suggestions on how I could make the gameplay instructions more clear, I’d love that too!

Thank you, and have a very nice (insert your time of day, haha) :D Sanjowolf, from Celestigate Games


Hi, I did understand the core mechanics of the game to catch the light but I was unsure about the damaged part. It'd be awesome to add the attack indicator since this would make for a good niche game! Thanks for explaining the mechanics in detail tho!

Regarding the second part, the "timer running out" was more of a suggestion from my side for a new game that uses the same mazes but without the light. It could be that among the dark mazes (ant tunnels, you need to find your way out into the light! That'd make for incredible fun game!

You too :) Have a great day (?) ahead!


Thank you very much for your feedback! If ever I update the game after the jam I’ll make sure to add visual indicators to improve the player’s experience and help make the game a little more intuitive :)