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Great stuff. The symmetry option is very useful.

It would be great if you once made a more "advanced" version of this with more user control (color palettes, detail levels, random mutations of a single sprite, that "mass-export" option suggested by GeminiDark...)

This has a lot of potential. u could collaborate with Donitz (creator of procedural tileset generator) and make the ultimate pixel art generator tool and sell it for like 50 bazillion dollars

Also I love the random generated names that I've gotten (like 'salt', 'salty salt', 'cabbage' or 'fermented dave')


I like the fact that this is clearly a mouse

Thank you, glad you like it! This project can definitely do with some updates still, those are all good suggestions. I'll have to find some time for that.
And yeah, the names can get really creative sometimes haha.