i'd like to suggest a more unified color customization system where interface colors derive from a smaller set of base colors, something like background, accent, text, frame, etc.
Individual colors would be these but with different brightness, saturation, etc...
This would help keep a similar tone to all related elements
A more versatile implementation would be one where the user can define the "base" colors and what elements they are linked to.
Saving color configurations could be useful, and maybe in the future you could even add steam workshop support for sharing color presets
got this idea from geometry dash, where in each level you have a global list of color "channels" that you can assign to multiple different objects, but with object-specific control over additive brightness, saturation and hue
minor bugs I've experienced (currently on the newest beta via steam):
- Export gets stuck when replacing a file that is opened somewhere
- Save/Load settings: "backup saves" is a float?
- Theme settings: ui breaks when changing some text-related colors
btw, this is an amazing program
it aligns perfectly with how i like to work and experiment with things
nice app bro