This game is way too addicting when you finally automate something, I love that, but even getting to this part is extremely hard. I got stuck because I couldn't find any grain, had to travel thousands of pixels just to find it, because the world is so barren.
After I got to automate something, I got some ideas;
1. Add a funnel for intersections. It's kinda messy doing that with logic gates and simple funnels. If you add a filter funnel, it does funnel, but the items stack endlessly when the line comes to a halt if you want to split a single item line.
2. Add an evenly distributor funnel. Splitter stop working when one line is completely occupied. Chests do work if you want to split a line of single items, but they don't fit in tight spaces.
3. Add chests for multiple items. This would allow for easy multi splitting.
4. Add a filter for each splitter path. You can currently only add one filter.
5. Add a fuse funnel. This would act as fusing splitter paths together. It's kinda messy doing that with conveyor belts.
6. Add conveyor belt curves. I don't understand how they aren't even in the game yet.
7. Show the logic gates coordinates when you hover over them.
8. Have different slots for items and fuel for furnace. Stopping the item input just causes too much headache and flow problems.