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Cool design and I really liked the sprites & audio. I gave up after dying several times at the chase scene however since you had to sit through the whole cutscene every time you died. Also most times I died it just felt unfair as I would almost always just randomly collide with seemingly nothing on the ground. The idea and level design was great. I just feel the game needed some polishing in the gameplay itself.

i wanted to make a cutscene skip button (or making the cutscene auto-skip on consecutive watching), but i didn't have the time to do so unfortunately, i wanted to do it in the time i (would've) had for random things that need to be fixed/added. Unfortunately I had to stop working on it as i had to clean the house. As for the collision, that is due to godot's tilemap collision being jank in general, i've faced this issue so many times in at least three projects (and two of them weren't even ON godot! this issue follows me through different engines!), and i've asked everywhere but did not find an answer that would help.

Thank you for the feedback!


Regarding the tilemap collision, Unity at least has a component called "Composite collider" which may help, it essentially merges all tiles colliders into one big one. Rounding out the player hitbox ever so slightly is also a quick fix that usually does the trick :)

I've found out about that when researching it for this project (though.. a little too late, since I no longer use unity). Apparently, Godot does that by default on runtime, so I'm still unsure what causes the issue, the player has continuous collision detection enabled as well, and I even changed the bottom of the player's hitbox to be a capsule collider instead of a box so it at least doesn't *completely* stop the player.  If you ever find out what could be the issue, please let me know, after the game jam voting period is over, I will make a small patch to fix many glaring issues the game has (wrong UI scale, crashes on restart, tilemap collision, etc.), and I would love to resolve this issue then.