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Deep TroubleView game page

Dive Deeper into the mystery of a crew's disappearance
Submitted by KDeveloper (@KDeveloperGW) — 32 minutes, 36 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#2483.2083.208

Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You dive deeper into the mystery of why one of the cargo spaceships has stopped responding to mission control. You also go deeper into the spaceship itself. It is also space themed, and space is very often portrayed as similar to deep sea, and the game has "aliens" that are designed to look like deep sea creatures

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
Yes, though i have used 2 scripts from my old project (that was being developed in a different version of godot) as reference material to make a similar script in this project, and reused an old song of mine

Also, there is one song of mine I reused for the main menu theme, I forgot to add this info when i submitted, and i kept forgetting to edit the description to have this.

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Very Enjoyable Experience!

Things I enjoyed ✔️

  1. Sprite work is well done!
  2. Gameplay was lots of fun! I love the different rays, that either lift the player up or bring the player down!
  3. Music was great!

Things I would like to possibly see with your title. 🤷‍♂️

  1. Honestly cant think of much to add! Maybe just updating the main menu music, to match the rest of the game more.

Overall 📓

So much fun! I had a great time playing this game! This is a very well done platform, and you should be very proud of this game! GREAT WORK!


Thank you so much for the feedback! I reused an old song of mine for the main menu because of time issues (i keep forgetting to add that in the submission description, thank you for reminding me to do that lol), so it doesn't fit as well as it could. Thank you again for the feedback and for playing our game!


really cool idea with the gravity wells.
as other mentioned already, the controls are a bit buggy and the chasing fish during the timer event feels kinda frustrating if not unfair.


Thank you for the feedback! I probably should've made the escape sequence a bit easier lol but i had like less than half an hour to upload the game when i was making it, so i had to rush it out quick


The game has bugs with controls. But overall a good idea.


Thank you for the feedback!


This was interesting and had me using my brain a bit to figure out the mechanics, which I enjoyed. The puzzle aspects were intriguing, which was my favorite part of the game. I like how I had to learn everything myself instead of through tutorials.

And I was vibin' with the music! The tracks were cool and surprisingly fun to listen to 😁


Thank you for playing the game and for your feedback! I'm happy that you enjoyed my level design and the soundtrack!


I was boppin 😄


Amazing games there are a few bugs, and one level is cheesable, but the bossfight is really cool, i found colors of the gravity to be inconsistent, strong gravity is red at the beginning and later on really low gravity that pulls you up is also a shade of red... but the idea is very innovative, i liked the mechanics overall its a pretty good game! If you decided to continue making it after the jam i would be eager to play it again!


Hey! Thanks for playing the game and for your feedback! I'm interested to hear what level you cheesed and how, even someone on our team has found an unintentional solution to one of the parts of the game, and it was awesome to see.
The gravity colors thing is due to how low gravity & high gravity interact with reverse gravity, low + reverse makes a high reverse, meanwhile high + reverse makes a low reverse, i could've just made a separate zone for both of them and coloured it what would've been more intuitive but for some reason i didn't think of that, so i tried showing it in the section right after the first drop, a lot of people have been confused about this though.
I'm probably not gonna do much with the game post-jam aside from a small update to fix bugs and maybe add one or two more puzzles, but I will be leaving the game onto our team leader who unfortunately couldn't help during the jam because his PC parts arrived late, he said he wanted to learn coding so, i figured this would be a great opportunity for him

Again, thank you for playing and the kind words!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Very fun and a little frustrating game. Checkpoints are a bit strange in terms of positioning.


I will think about how to improve them for the post-jam patch, thank you for the feedback!


Ok... Lets go over a couple things. 

Checkpoints: I'm glad to see that a platformer in a jam has them, and sectioned on good respawn points.

The, Imma call them, Gravity Wells: nice mechanic and, surprisingly, intuitive, as someone that dislikes lengthy text dumps as "tutorials" it is great to see a game use it's mechanics to tech itself, via environment and level design rather than text. easing in the different colors and functions on sports that we can clearly see what they do.

A thing, small one, that did got in the way of the game controlling a little better is that I think the wall jump raycast was killing  the jump height if you jumped near something that was a higher, even if by a tiny bit, level than were you were standing, a bit annoying to get around, but doesn't hurt the game that much, only makes the player have to plan around it.

To conclude. Art and music were nice. With a couple little adjustments and a bit of polish, you got yourself there a neat little platformer. Good job on the game


Thank you for playing our game, for the kind words and for the feedback!
The jumping thing is due to the wall jump raycast triggering a wall cling even when you're still jumping, it is one of the choices that i didn't think about too much and now regret, and a thing i'm going to fix in the post-jam patch.

(also, gravity wells is a really good name lol, rolls off the tongue better than gravity zones which is how i've been referring to them during development)
Again, thank you so much for your feedback!


The game is very interesting, with a little of puzzle game and a platform game. I like it. I think there are some things I don't like about he jumping mechanic and the execution of the game in my app. But it's a good game. Good job!


Thank you for playing! a shame you couldn't get past the tutorial because of the app problems


great work! i like the art style


Thank you! I will tell our artist you enjoyed it


Wow I'm glad I stuck with it for as long as I did. As a massive platforming fan I must say though controls are a bit wonky and get some time to get used to. I wish there was coyote time and I wasn't catapulted by some random invisible pixels in the ground from time to time. This is the first game from this jam I didn't manage to beat. First I played on Web build and got to this part, due to the issue with the character sometimes being lifted off from the ground by invisible force was almost impossible and killed me over and over. That combined with the first part of the puzzle where you simply have to wait for the moving blocks to get out of the way made a very slow and tiring process.

I decided then to give a chance to Windows build since you guys recommended it and I enjoyed solving puzzles up to this point and was curious what you guys made next. Sadly, even though the Windows build did run better I encountered two crashes that wiped my progress and forced me to start from the beginning. I gave up at this point but I will be happy to come back and give it another go when you polish those technical problems.

Now I know it may sound like I had a bad experience and came back with negative feelings about the game, but quit the contrary, I really enjoyed the game and wish I could play more. The puzzles are clever, not too hard not too easy, Some of them made me think for a second about what to do, but never for too long to make me frustrated or lost. It's amazing how much you were able to build from and around  just this one simple mechanic. Reminded me a bit of Teslagrad. 

The music was also great and helped me to relax while playing. Overall I did enjoy my time with your game, I just wish it was more polished as my main gripes are with technical problems and not the design of the game. Still you guys get a high score from me and I'm waiting for a patched version after the jam ;)

Also thank you for playing our game. 


Oh my god thank you so much for all the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed it! 
I tried making the controls feel as snappy as possible without resorting to using a kinematicbody (to which I've received complaints that it is *too* snappy), but I do think that there was always room for improvement there.
I also wanted to add coyote time... but I forgot, it is one of the things I regret not adding to the game (as well as only enabling wall clinging after the jump button has been released, since there's an issue with jumping next to a wall), I will however add those features post-jam (though unfortunately I do not think  will continue this project, but I will be leaving it into the hands of one of our team members, as they wanted to learn coding, and I figured messing around with a complete project would help them)
The catapulting is a result of weird tilemap collision, this is an issue that has followed me for 3 years through different engines, I've asked everywhere how to fix it, and for solving this issue on unity I have found an answer (though long after I've switched to godot), but no solution has yet been found for godot.
I also have been debating whether or not to replace the moving platform section of the room in the screenshot, but I've decided to keep it because.. well to be honest I just didn't have the brains to think of anything else lol.
And lastly, I am terribly sorry for the crashes on the windows version, I thought I'd fixed it, but for some reason it only crashes on the export version, but goes smoothly in the editor? I still have no idea why this happens, but I am working on it currently, and hopefully this will be fixed before the end of the jam.

Thank you again for the feedback and for playing our game! This means a lot to us, and personally I had a big smile on my face reading this comment.


What shape of the collider are you guys using for the main character? If it is a square or rectangular one I would maybe recommend using something more like a capsule shape, anything with a rounded bottom.  Colliders can be a bitch. Also, make sure that whatever engine you use  doesn't render each tile as it's separate entity but creates one big massive collider for all tiles that are next to each other.


The collider used to be a rectangle, but i made a capsule so instead of completely stopping (like you sometimes can get stuck on the ceiling) the player feels a light bump instead. unfortunately, that small bump can also mean death in zero gravity or low gravity.  And from my research it seems that godot automatically optimizes tilemap collision to be one shape instead of each tile being its own. I am still searching for a solution to this


Really weird cause we literally had the same issue with our previous Brackeys game Descent. The shape of the main character was a square and we changed it to a circle and that helped. Eventually, we stopped using unitys rigid body, even though we still make our games in unity. My friend and programmer (who sadly couldn't join us for this project) got so upset with issues like that he rewrote completely the entire physics engine to suit better pixel art platformers we usually make.  


The music is really nice. I like how it changes with the action. A shame that there really weren't any sfx. The player gets stuck in walls if you just hug them. That's problematic when you try to jump.  As for the fields, they are a cool mechanic. Still they all look practically the same. Maybe there's something that could make them look more intuitively. To me the game is a bit too difficult. Checkpoints are good, but maybe making them a bit more frequent could help with that. You wouldn't have to run that much to get back to where you died. The monsters look great. Overall, great job!

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback! I wanted to add sfx, but didn't have enough time, and i completely forgot that i could make wall clinging only possible when space is released, so that one's on me. I do agree that i maybe could've tried animating gravity fields but our teams' artist was busy so i didn't wanna overwhelm him, instead i added particle effects that are unique to each zone, i hoped that would be enough.

I also thought that i put *too many* checkpoints, and i think that the reason it seems like there were so few was because i placed them far away from the actual danger, thank you for letting me think about this! and once again thank you for playing the game and for the feedback

Oh also, I will tell our artist that you enjoyed the monster designs!


I liked the style. Cool!


Thank you!


game is cool


Thank you!


Nice level design. I love the character movement! but kinda hard for me.


Thank you! Yeah i may have made the game a bit too hard lol

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I really liked the gravity element and I think the puzzle design around that concept was great. Really liked the music a lot, it was very well composed and fit the visuals of the game really well.


Thank you! One of the songs was actually made by a friend that isn't on the team but was asked to be invited by one of our teammates, that being Astral Trench (unsure if he has posted it anywhere), which is the song that plays during the tutorial (everything before the chase sequence)


I tried out the downloadable version of the game, and it doesn't seem to work great. The game tends to crash when you click the restart button. I didn't dock any points for this since the WebGL version works fine. Using gravity to get through the levels is a pretty cool feature.


I have no idea why everything broke on exporting, the UI is also wrong in both versions, the buttons are not supposed to be that big, and they're not in the editor or the runtime, but for some reason they are when exporting. Also, for some reason neither download version nor WebGL version properly load the ending screen, which is a real bummer

Thank you for the feedback though! 


I like the art and music! the level design is good also, taking advantage of the gravity changing zones. My only gripe is that the player feels a bit finicky to control. Good job nonetheless!


Thank you for the feedback! I think part of why the player movement feels finicky is because of weird tilemap collision often taking away the player's momentum, but i have no idea how to fix it


Game seems decent, changing of the gravity is an interesting concept but I found the platforming really hard and could not really get any ware with the game, but I think that is just an issue with me being bad


Thank you for the feedback! I'm leaving this project to one of my teammates, they might add more content after the jam, so hopefully they'll make the difficulty curve a bit smoother!


Great game. I really like the idea of different forms of gravity. and it made for some pretty good puzzles. Like how you had to lure out the tortoise enemy, or the section after that with the white gravity field. and the music was also pretty good.

Fun game. keep it up♥


Thank you so much! If you're interested, two of the songs in-game are actually my old songs! "Flesh Prey" (the chase song) is a remix of one of my oldest songs, and "The Fisherman" (the main menu song) is a song I had to reuse due to time crunch.
Also, the theme that plays before the chase is called "Astral Trench" (or at least that's what the file is called), and was made by CircleF6, a friend that was invited as a guest helper.

(Oh also, there's a secret in the room right after the chase sequence, You may know what it is already :D )


Well, Guess I'm going back to find that!


Cool design and I really liked the sprites & audio. I gave up after dying several times at the chase scene however since you had to sit through the whole cutscene every time you died. Also most times I died it just felt unfair as I would almost always just randomly collide with seemingly nothing on the ground. The idea and level design was great. I just feel the game needed some polishing in the gameplay itself.


i wanted to make a cutscene skip button (or making the cutscene auto-skip on consecutive watching), but i didn't have the time to do so unfortunately, i wanted to do it in the time i (would've) had for random things that need to be fixed/added. Unfortunately I had to stop working on it as i had to clean the house. As for the collision, that is due to godot's tilemap collision being jank in general, i've faced this issue so many times in at least three projects (and two of them weren't even ON godot! this issue follows me through different engines!), and i've asked everywhere but did not find an answer that would help.

Thank you for the feedback!


Regarding the tilemap collision, Unity at least has a component called "Composite collider" which may help, it essentially merges all tiles colliders into one big one. Rounding out the player hitbox ever so slightly is also a quick fix that usually does the trick :)


I've found out about that when researching it for this project (though.. a little too late, since I no longer use unity). Apparently, Godot does that by default on runtime, so I'm still unsure what causes the issue, the player has continuous collision detection enabled as well, and I even changed the bottom of the player's hitbox to be a capsule collider instead of a box so it at least doesn't *completely* stop the player.  If you ever find out what could be the issue, please let me know, after the game jam voting period is over, I will make a small patch to fix many glaring issues the game has (wrong UI scale, crashes on restart, tilemap collision, etc.), and I would love to resolve this issue then.