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The map looks quite good.It seems you ran out of time or something to implement all your features,or maybe i just didnt see any of the cool gear talked about on the front page.It would of been cool to have a win screen to see the consequences of being the stinky loser also lol!

Thank you so much for taking the time to play and provide feedback on our game, Tidy Turf!

We're really glad you liked the map design.

You're absolutely right, the time constraints of the jam did limit our ability to fully implement all the features we had planned.

We apologize for any confusion about the gear mentioned on the front page – due to the time crunch, we couldn't showcase them all effectively, but will include them with our next update.

Your suggestion about having a win screen and consequences for being the "stinky loser" is fantastic!

We'll definitely take that into consideration for our future updates.

Once again, thank you for playing and for your thoughtful input!