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Thanks for this detailled review !

Can you please tell me some other platformers that follow this idea ?

As far as I know, 10 seconds challenges is pretty common (You Have 10 Seconds serie, 10 Seconds Ninja are the most famous ones), other games have those kind of limitation (Super Meat Boy with A+ grades for example), but I don't remember of any game that limit your total playtime, I mean by that the whole game (not individual levels) to one minute.

Thanks a lot ^^


Well, the game feels like  a single level (that's pretty much unavoidable in order to be something you could finish in one minute), and the fact that the time limit is one minute is kind of arbitrary in the sense that it doesn't feel much different from a 90 second time limit or a 50 second one. So overall the impression I got was "It's a nice platformer, and it has a time limit"

In the introduction, Mark said something like "take something the player expects to have a lot of, and give them only one". In platformers, I don't typically expect to  have "a lot of minutes" :P

Gotcha ! I will remember all you said for the next time, thanks a lot ^^