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A member registered Aug 05, 2019

Recent community posts

Awesome work, and perfectly presented. Well done!

Very cool. Good job! =)

Simple interpretation of the theme, and well made. A fun little game =)

The game is rather confusing and sets you up to a stressful situation with a bomb right off the bat before even learning the basic concept. It might have potential, but I couldn't get far enough to experience it

Nice art, but I don't think the design really used the theme to push the game to an original direction, and as far as gameplay goes - the player inertia is insane and uncontrollable

I can't really speak for the concept, since unfortunately the game doesn't do enough to convey its mechanics to the player well enough

The concept is quite familiar, but the level design is done well =)

The file is .sb3, so I can't play it

The concept could be interesting, but the game is quite confusing visually, and it's not clear what causes the appearance of collectible dots. In addition, the dots flash and disappear almost immediately which makes it difficult for a new player to catch up with them in time

Really cool idea! I wish you had explored it more, making the cards combine in different ways when you override existing slots. The idea has a TON of potential. Well done!

Same, won't load

Very nice!

Nice work! It's a small twist on an existing game type, but it can potentially create quite interesting consequences

Absolutely fantastic! I thoroughly enjoyed this game.

The concept is well-performed, well-explained and built up perfectly. Even though the basic concept looks cliche, the direction you took it to feels really fresh and fun to play around with. I especially liked that the game offers a real trade off between low-risk slow moves for novice players and high-risk faster ways of moving for the more experienced.

Great work!!

Great work! This game feels really fresh, and the final level had me smiling and laughing involuntarily as I kept getting surprise attacks from distant blocks taht I though I was don with.

One comment in terms of design - I think it would make sense to have some sort of UI indication to how many boxes should be connected to the player to pass. Trial and error would definitely solve it, but I think some indication would prevent some confusion or needless frustration for at least some players.

Hope to see this fleshed out into a full game someday =)

Very cool idea, and a a very cool looking game! It felt too random for me, and I think it could be awesome if it leaned just a bit more into the puzzle game feel, making levels that are handcrafted with specific cards and specific enemies, as that way every decision would feel like it has more weight, even when it's just waiting in place.

Good luck!

Very interesting idea! I think spikes are not really the best fit with this concept, as death kind of breaks the flow of the game. Rather, I think it could benefit from leaning much more strongly into the puzzle platformer patterns such as switches and keys.

It could be really cool to manipulate things in the world using th dimension switch, like moving a ball horizontally, then coming up below it and switching to vertical to make it drop down, etc.

Good luck going forward! I would love to see a full-fledged game come out of this!

Pretty cool idea, and nice basic demonstration - I didn't think it could be that cool to fight one single enemy in a stage of an RTS game, but your game shows that the idea really has potential!

There just isn't a lot of game here

It adheres to the theme, but doesn't design enough around it to make it fun, in my opinion. Still, maybe for people who like the multi-tasking nature of it, this would be a better experience.

It's a really interesting idea, but the card part of it really needs to be developed more than it is currently. If the cards acted like in a card game, adding effects, making you draw cards, etc. this could really be a full fledged game. As it is, with cards just needing to match the enemy type it's a kind of "Simon Says" game where you just need to see which enemies there are and press on the card that attacks them.

Great game, a lot of fun to play! Its adherence to the theme is kind of loose, though. (I assume the "only one" is that every weapon you pick up has only one use). Good luck!

One of the definite highlights of the jam! This is the most fun wall jumping mechanic I have ever played, as it really felt natural to the game mechanics and required a lot of precision and timing.

Generally the feeling of geining and stopping momentum felt spot on! The only thing that felt a little off in the whole game was that on moving platforms inertia didn't feel consistent (it felt like you keep inertia when you are on it, but when you jump off there is no intertia at all)

This idea has huge potential, and I really think it could be made into a really great game! Even this small 48 hour demo was great fun!

Great game! I really liked the juiciness and how intense it feels even though you only have the mouse position as input.

One thing that was missing for me is some indication that  you can shoot projectiles, because at the start I tried to escape them and that didn't go so well. In the same spirit,I think it would be nice to make different types of enemy projectiles which you would have to react to differently.

Overall, very good work!

It's a pretty cool idea, but it ends up being pretty tedious repeating previous parts everytime to reach the latest stage. I reached the question mark part and quit when I failed, because the puzzle's rules were not made clear enough and the brutal punishment for not completing it made it feel unfair.

I really liked the idea of having different variants of the same puzzle compose an entire game, so with some tweaks, I think it could be made really fun.

This has potential. The idea of having only on button to move and shoot is cool, and the speed build-up is a nice feature. I think it could be a pretty fun game if you add a few mechanics like powerups or maybe special moves like spinning in a full circle because as it is the gameplay is quite monotonous and lacks player expression.

Good luck!

Very original idea, and I think it gets the desired effect of people playing twister with the controller, so it could definitely be a lot of fun. However, it feels like the game doesn't always respond well to button presses, and some prompts from the terminal are hard to understand.

In addition, there isn't any narrative sense in what you do and in the reason that it's all on one controller, so it makes it feel like the game is just an excuse to make you play twister with the controller, rather than having it feel like a natural result of a game mechanic (For instance, in overcooked the mechanics allow for one player to do everything, but the way the different mechanics work makes it so that teamwork is greatly rewarded)

With a few tweaks, I think it could be a pretty cool party game. Good luck =)

This is just masterfully made! The controls feel great, and it's really juicy. What's more, the level design is really on target! The connection to the theme is loose, but it gets so many things right that it's definitely worth playing. I also really like the soundtrack!

Great idea and great execution! It's really fun to play and feels very tight to control and juicy! way to go!

The concept has potential, but the game has two main problems:

1. It's too fast for its own good. that makes it very hard very soon

2. The use of only one button to spin the world (and hence only one direction that the world spins in) doesn't make it more fun than if you had two buttons, one for each direction. So overall, it adheres to the jam's theme, but it doesn't design enough around it to make it pay off

I liked the game, it was really fun and impressive! However, it feels only loosely related to the jam's theme, at least in terms of player experience (I know he has just one hand, but this doesn't really translate into "having only one" of a gameplay element, rather it just means your health decreases and you regenerate it by killing)

Very well done! I don't know whether there were many valid options to use the key for or not, because I only saw one and went for it, but the idea of having a lot of options to use it wrongly is really cool, and a great example of how giving you only one of something you would expect to have a lot of can really create interesting outcomes!

Very well made, and uses the "only one" theme to its advantage very nicely!

I really liked that even in this short demo, you can really feel the skill ceiling for this playstyle is quite high, and it's great that the game allows you to go as quickly or as slowly as you want. Considering how fun and rewarding this is for such a small demo, the potential for this is really high. Great work!

Very cool idea! I only wish there were some ideas on how to develop the game further with this concept. Other than that, great work!

I haven't submitted a game, but really enjoyed just looking at this cool fanart, so kudos on the initiative and all the hard work, man!

Very nicely done! I like how you used dual-purpose design with the candle - it allows you to see, but also makes others see you (which you can use to lure them into traps). 

Seeing in one direction isn't new, but seeing only one tile at a time is something I personally haven't seen, so very cool take on the jam's theme - it really engages the spacial orientation, and I think it can have a lot of potential in making the player feel completely lost if the levels get just a bit bigger. I could easily imagine having an intricate plan on how to lure a monster into spikes, only to accidentally encounter another, reach a dead end, then running into the spikes I wanted to lute the monster to in the first place! (On that note, bigger open spaces could make really great use of this mechanic after the more basic corridor levels)

Overall, great work! 5/5 on all counts.

It's clear that a lot of work and thought went into this game, so kudos on that!

This concept has potential and is quite interesting - the connection between the physical object and the ethereal one (passing through walls) is something that can really create interesting possibilities. The fact that the link itself is an object that can be effected by some things adds another layer of depth, which is pretty cool. Overall it's quite unique and original!

However, as a game it wasn't fun to play. The floatiness of everything made it feel out of the player's control, and the spike parts are frustrating more than anything else. In addition, if getting the chain cut practically means death, it's quite tedious to have to actually go to some death point in the bottom rather than just immediately dying when falling (Yes, I saw some puzzle required you to reach the stage's end after the chain was cut, but you could still make it insta-death whenever you leave the borders of the level)

As for the theme of the jam - the fact that you have "only one" chain, while technically on line with the theme, isn't really an exciting take on it. In the introduction, Mark said something like "Take something that players  expect to had a lot of, and give them only one". In this case, it's a bit hard to imagine how this game would look if you had a lot of chains, so it seems the theme didn't really help in making this game better.

In any case, I think that this game, if the physics would be toned down in favor of more "gamey" controllable interactions, could be quite fun and original.

Awesome idea, very well executed!

Very cool! A great example of "less is more". Well done!

Very cool concept, very well implemented! 5/5