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man this looked cool but unsure a little of what I was meant to do. 3v3n after reading the page. Maybe an quick in game explainer would have helped. I liked the art style and maybe I just need to practice it more? Or I am just awful at mathes 😅 well done 👏 on getting a finished game made for the jam.

Thanks :) I thought in my head the goal was clear when I shipped it, but man was I proven wrong by the feedback - in fact, I steered people almost in the opposite direction in some cases. (JIC - you need to equate the number on the left of the inequality at the center to the number on the right)

not to worry. Are u a solo dev? I find this with my projects at times. I think something is well clear and it's not during  jam feedback. I have taught myself to keep things simple(mostly) and question... wohld other people understand this lol . The feedback u have received looks generally positive.  I think alot of people got it and enjoyed it so well done 👏 

Thanks again!