This game is really good, I played multiple top down games, and despite this one not having much top down scenes, you implemented it well, the player would move with the direction of input unlike the other games I played 😂.
As for the diving part it was good, I believe after the jam you could improve on it more, I am imagining more like a ragdoll movement I don't know why.
There were parts that could have used some cutscenes, for example in the first level when you reach the blue flag, suddenly the scene switched and the path I came from disappeared if not for the player prompt I would have thought it glitched.
It would be nice to maybe have like camera shake and animate a rock moving down or maybe zoom to the player and then zoom out boom there is a rock 😂
Also, some objects had no collider? there was a part where I was diving through the rock or under it not sure 😆, but it didn't really affect the gameplay or anything, just mentioned it, if you plan to make a full game out if.
Nevertheless you did an amazing job for the duration of the jam!!