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A jam submission

Beneath the Dreaming SeaView game page

Dive into a dreamlike underwater world filled with puzzles and secrets.
Submitted by BBIT-Solutions (@BBIT_Solutions) — 15 hours, 42 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#4012.8442.844

Ranked from 45 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
It is a game about "diving deeper". In a double-meaning, but dont't want to say too much, to avoid spoilers ;-)

And it was made within 1 week by myself as an indiedev.

So guess that should fit for the theme then.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
No, i used a few game-assets. Was focusing on game-mechanics and the story. Would have been ways too less time to also make all the assets in that short time from scratch unfortunately.

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A nice game, the models are nice, and I liked the overall esthetic and ambience!

In my opinion, tho, the game feels a bit bland after a while, as the only things encountered are the occasional fish that kill you, or sometimes an item. The items are also pretty useless in my opinion, I mainly used the gun for fun to not get bored, and the flashlight isn't really needed currently, as the dark depths present no enemies, and you can still see pretty well in the dark. A way to make these useful would've been nice, like enemies you are forced to shoot at to proceed (maybe enemies that follow you), and enemies in the dark you cannot see if you don't catch them in the flashlight. The overall story doesn't make much sense, but I got why at the end of the game...and I think actually leaning even more in the "dream-like" strangeness of the story that unfolds playing through the game would've been perfect, as it would fit the theme in two ways: diving deeper into the ocean, and diving deeper into a dream/mind!

As the final critique, I found the controls a bit slow, as it was pretty frustrating returning back because of exploring a passage with nothing in it.

A very cool game, with some sides to polish, but a great starting idea! Keep it up!


Haha yes, this "double-interpretation" of the theme was the main idea behind the whole story. 

The flashlight has a purpose: Without you can't enter a pretty dark area, it's similar like the key for the gate before ;-) (So seems,  you collected it already before, what i actually hoped by the placement... nice). But i know what you mean, and you have a few very good ideas. Definitely will consider if i continue with the game (just have not decided, if i really will...)

Thank you very much for this detailed review, glad that you anyhow played it through the end, even with beeing a bit frustrated :-D


I liked the low poly aesthetic of the game, and how the aura of the level changed as I went deeper! However, I felt like the game was too bland. There wasn't much to interact with, and the movement was too sluggish. Since the game is more exploration focused, I think it could have benefited from having controls which made it quicker to navigate the labyrinth. Overall, nice job.


Thank you for the review :-)

Yes, this slowliness is the most criticized aspect unfortunately from lots of peoples. Definitely my biggest lesson learned of that jam, to make a bit faster-paced gameplay. Also actually planned lots of more content in the world originally, just unfortunately  ways too less time^^


Congrats for the submission, it visually looks so attractive and suits well together. I would like the gameplay to be a little more smooth. Good game so far!


Thank you :-)


I like the first quest where you search the clothes, but the game itselft its like a big labyrinth and some zones are buged


Thank you for the feedback. Yes, finding your way through this big "labyrinth" is actually the gameplay^^ Did you find more than one bugged zone? 


Well done :D  It's polished and the mechanics work fine, I encountered just a bug somewhere diving deeper, because  I couldn't swim anymore upwards(?) I have no time to finish it now, but I'll for sure!


Yes, sorry for the bug, i guess it's probably the same one Jordan Neff also ran into in his video (a few reviews here before) between ca. 6:30 and 7:30? Unfortunately a few people had it before :-/ Should definitely fix that after the jam.

But thank you for the review and that you even consider to finish it later :-)


Nice job! This was very impressive for one week! The gameplay is great and the graphics look very nice.


Thank you :-)


This is a lot of work for one person! I liked the graphics and overall feel of the game, very crisp especially at the beginning. Finding the scuba pieces instead of giving them automatically was a good choice. The movement underwater was a little slow, I feel like it could have been even twice as fast. I also got stuck at one point and had to restart. It was after the gate and where he said "Should I go even deeper?" or something, then I went left and left and couldn't go back up. Other than that hiccup, the transition at the end was fun and the gun was VERY satisfying. Overall you did a great job and you should feel proud!


Thank you very much for the kind words and the feedback, glad that you liked it :-)

Could i ask you for a quick favor about the bug you stuck: Could you maybe quickly watch the video of Jordan Neff in the review under yours. Just a one minute part of it and  if you have time, would really help. Between ca. 6:30 and 7:30 he also runned into a bug, would be great if you quickly could check out if it is the same bug/behaviour, or if i have to fix anywhere else too (from your description it sounds probably the same.)


Yep I just checked the video, can confirm it's the same bug.


ok cool, good to know. Thank you.


Hey pretty solid game for a solo dev! I did run into a repeatable bug area that stopped me from progressing, but played it again and got past it. I liked shooting the fish, the gun was a lot of fun! Aside from the bug I think my only criticism is that it takes a little too long to get into the meat of the game, and I think finding keys and shooting fish is more engaging gameplay than having to get your gear and get to the dive spot. I really liked that the audio and visuals changed as you got to deeper areas, great design choice. 

Unfortunately I didn't have time to complete it but if you want some more in-depth feedback you can check out my gameplay video playthrough here:


Thank you so much! The way how you play and also describe what you see is so extremely helpful. It's really cool that you often went exactly the way or had the thoughts/feelings i hoped to achieve at that point. Highlight was actually at 16:43, where you and the character at the same time said "whoa" :-D

And also i have now a few very important insights, at which areas some stuff should be a bit changed/improved.

I'm so sorry for the bug. This one was indeed a dead-end area, why I've not really tested it so much. I think i know, why the bug happens, but anyhow very strange that the whole game stucks there :-/ .... So I'm even more grateful that you then gave it a 2nd and even a 3rd try.

I think without these bugs, you probably would have completed it, you were at around 70-80% (depending on how fast you find the route, but even you thought you went often wrong, you were actually the most time pretty well in track ;-) ). Would have been cool to see/hear your reactions to the ending. But nevertheless I'm so happy to now even have a gameplay of my game.  I saw it's unlisted. So if you need my "permission" or so, definitely go for it (maybe you can cut the 2 dead-end parts out, but it's up to you, I would be fine with that).

As a "thank you" i definitely have to play and rate your game now, too. Hope to have time later today... but latest somewhen this weekend, promised :-)  


Hey really happy to see that my gameplay video provided some good feedback and insights! It is a shame about the bug but I didn't want to end the video so soon when I knew there was more game to play. And yeah the only reason the video is unlisted is because my other youtube channel reached the daily upload limit and I wanted to try to get as many videos uploaded as possible. I'll probably re-upload it to my other channel and make it public in the next couple days.

And thank you, yeah whenever you get time to play and rate our game that'd be great!


I played the full game, so I'm gonna be a bit critical, hope you don't mind :).
First of all the style of the game is great, nice graphics and the part above the water was fun, collecting your gear and the turotial buttons in the world.
But the game itself was a bit slow, it could be a whole lot shorter, either by creating a smaller map or having double the movementspeed. I get that it is to explore, but there is not much rewarding for exploring, which makes it more frustrating then fun. The thing that kept me going was the suspense towards the ending, but in the end it was just a dream haha. For me that was kind of a bummer, but I think that is more personal.
One last thing is to maybe have a danger sign at the downwards paths where the fish swim. because they are almost imposible to dodge if you don't know the first time, making you respawn all the way back.


Sure, such a feedback is in the end even more helpful, than a simple "great game" :-D 

Totally agree in nearly all points (except the ending :-P). I wished there would have been a few more days to fine-tune everything, because i also personally noticed it on my latest playtest, and seems the "slowlyness" is really the main critic point. Definitely have to try to avoid such parts in future already by design...

The danger sign is a great idea.

Thank you, especially that you then even played it to the end in your "frustration"  :-)


Really like the game mechanics!! There was one part of the game that is bugged where I couldn't go up, so I had to completely restart

Other than that, cool story and I really love the camera angle on the first part of the game!!


Thank you very much :-) Guess it's probably hard to describe, but do you maybe roughly remember, on which part the bug was?


Very creepy game, although I will say that I wish it was more clear where to go.


Guess with "creepy" you mean the later underwater parts? Hope it was anyhow bit fun to play at least. Definitely agree with the missing navigation guides underwater. Thanks for your feedback!


our games are quite similar in two ways lol. U start above the water before diving in for example. Loved the graphics and the fact the controls were shown in the game. The audio worked well here. I think the under water graphics could be improved. Nice work though 👏 


Thank you :-) Yes underwater parts definitely should have had some polishment, but i was glad at least completed the whole level within the week^^ Maybe will improve graphics later.  Thank you for your feedback. Your game looks interesting , i'll check it out soon, too.



Deeper through the sea!

Things I enjoyed ✔️

  1. Graphics look nice and clean!
  2. The story felt good! I enjoyed it alot.
  3. Overall game mechanics felt nice, I enjoyed the scuba diving the most.

Things I would like to possibly see with your title. 🤷‍♂️

  1. I noticed when swimming your character sinks down really fast, I would like it if the character had less gravity so you have more of a floating feel.
  2. I recommend fixing some colliders, because the character got stuck a bit at the beginning, it seems like the colliders where to big for the character to walk up.

Overall 📓

This game was pretty fun, I enjoyed my time playing, great job! I cant wait to see you make more games in the future!


Thank you for that detailed feedback. These are 2 good points, definitely have to consider. Glad that you liked it :-)


Loved the trailer you made for youtube. It is nice to see an opening. Also ambience was cool. Giving a shotgun to a diver ? I think you let the intrusive thoughts win :D Good job overall !


Haha, yes maybe^^ Thank you, also for watching the trailer :-)


Awesome game!  I love ambient sound under sea, low poly art fits perfectly. I enjoyed playing it a lot!


Thank you :-)


This game is really good, I played multiple top down games, and despite this one not having much top down scenes, you implemented it well, the player would move with the direction of input unlike the other games I played 😂.

As for the diving part it was good, I believe after the jam you could improve on it more, I am imagining more like a ragdoll movement I don't know why.

There were parts that could have used some cutscenes, for example in the first level when you reach the blue flag, suddenly the scene switched and the path I came from disappeared if not for the player prompt I would have thought it glitched.

It would be nice to maybe have like camera shake and animate a rock moving down or maybe zoom to the player and then zoom out boom there is a rock 😂 

Also, some objects had no collider? there was a part where I was diving through the rock or under it not sure 😆, but it didn't really affect the gameplay or anything, just mentioned it, if you plan to make a full game out if.

Nevertheless you did an amazing job for the duration of the jam!!


Thank you very much for the detailed feedback :-) 

Ragdoll sounds interesting, haven't thought about that, but definitely will keep in mind. 

The cutscene actually was exactly planned like that... rocks falling down, camera shake and just afterward the "mood-change" and then the player tells it delayed.... was on TODO-list and would have been in the game, if the jam would have been 2 days longer :-D

And yes, definitely also have to finetune the colliders.

Thanks again, such a feedback is really helpful!  


Pretty good game. The swimming was too slow for my taste but other than that I loved it.


Thank you :-)


The developer did a great job, the game is very good. I like the implementation of the character's multilogs, I like the game design. The soundtrack is very cool, it gives the atmosphere of diving into the ocean. All in all, a very good project.


Thanks! Glad you liked it :-)


Great tutorial sequence, like that a lot. Swimming felt tedious at times, but when got the shotgun things changed, should have done that earlier. Good entry in all regards!


Thank you :-)


Interesting idea! Thank you for giving the player the shotgun, that gave me the boost I needed to get to the end.


Lol, wasn't actually the intented purpose, but seems you found the "hidden game-mechanic" :-D 

Thank you for playing it completely through and the feedback!

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