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A member registered May 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot!!

hi 2

لا 🫠

يب جودوت 😂

يب الاصوات مافيها لوب عشاي ركبتها مع اصوات ثانية و كنت شايله هم التسليم اكثر من اللوب 🫠


يب بس كنت لازم اسلم اللعبه 😂 في كان عندي افكار ثانية

Goodluck 👍

اعتذر, يب ذكرت في المقطع ان فيها لاج واعتذرت لكم على هذا الشيء 🥲

The visuals are amazing!! it was an interesting gameplay well done!

Nice game! the graphics is amazing and the fact that it runs well on the browsers show how well it is optimized, also the audio is very nice. Well done!

The last one says "Look only in the sky" underlined on only and sky. One of the numbers is actually not in the sky. Sorry the puzzles were hard, future games will have more hints or simpler in general. But I am impressed you got to the sky puzzle 👍the majority got stuck in the computer room 💔.

Thanks for playing. I am actually impressed you got this far, the majority got stuck in the computer room. 


The last one you need to " Look only in the sky" one of the numbers is actually indoors 😆 



the computer activation is 7631

I think the 6 was causing a confusion but if you flip 6 it will be 9 which is larger then what it was. This is actually the easiest puzzle 🫠 the next one is truly difficult.


Yours is way cooler!!! I am truly inspired by it 😂

Whaaaaa!! why does it only have 11 ratings 😢 I don't really like 2D games but after this one I got inspired to even start making my own!!! I usually give suggestions on what to add but this one is perfect 😂

maybe one thing the interaction was a bit unintuitive I kept pressing E then enter, but it turned out to be up arrow.

Great job!

I liked the game idea its unique 😁 definitely a game I would download on my mobile. If I would give suggestions maybe improve on the game feel:

1- add particle system to the game

2- strong camera shake when losing

3- when the sun flower seed goes left or right add like a trail

Currently that all I could think off, usually these types of game require to dramatize every detail. But for the jam duration this was still an addictive game!

I am also a solo jammer, trying to reach the 20 milestone 🙃:

This is my game:

The art is amazing, but somethings were not intuitive at first, I though the red potion was health 😢 then I thought maybe its a 50/50 chance 😭 

but overall, the game was fun, and somethings from the story could actually happen in real life 😖we don't know what we could unleash if the glaciers melt

This mine I am also below 20 😭

Rate Deep Mind by M31 for Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2 -

The game looks interesting, but I wasn't able to play it 🙃I would click everywhere but nothing happens, I read the instructions, and my cursor didn't change it was always the same (mouse cursor) I waited for a while to see what happens, but nothing happened, am I doing something wrong?

This game is really good, I played multiple top down games, and despite this one not having much top down scenes, you implemented it well, the player would move with the direction of input unlike the other games I played 😂.

As for the diving part it was good, I believe after the jam you could improve on it more, I am imagining more like a ragdoll movement I don't know why.

There were parts that could have used some cutscenes, for example in the first level when you reach the blue flag, suddenly the scene switched and the path I came from disappeared if not for the player prompt I would have thought it glitched.

It would be nice to maybe have like camera shake and animate a rock moving down or maybe zoom to the player and then zoom out boom there is a rock 😂 

Also, some objects had no collider? there was a part where I was diving through the rock or under it not sure 😆, but it didn't really affect the gameplay or anything, just mentioned it, if you plan to make a full game out if.

Nevertheless you did an amazing job for the duration of the jam!!

This was fun to play, I only had 1 issue the mouse rotation was to fast, it made the game more difficult and I would constantly die 😂also maybe the issue is with my device, because in my game everyone noted that the mouse movement is slow 😆 So it would be nice to have mouse sensitivity settings. 

Overall this game is epic!

Simplistic yet addictive 😂 I liked playing it I only had 1 issue, after multiple tries the audio would get a bit annoying 🫠 my suggestions for improvement:

1- Let the border of the wall bounce you back instead of destroying you.

2- Have some power ups if you reach certain depth, like a onetime wall break maybe 

overall great job!!

Could you try mine:

Rate Deep Mind by M31 for Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2 -

Yours looks really awesome I'll go try it now! 
This is mine:
Rate Deep Mind by M31 for Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2 -


This was an interesting game, the audio was great when the shark spots me it got scary 😂 I enjoyed playing it! well done!

Thanks, I liked your game as well and I didn't spam the E 😂!

Wow I didn't notice that. I would listen to the story of the speaker without actually reading the prompt. I won the game without noticing the ability 🙃 

yep adding UI pop-ups would be great or instead of the button "activate" have the "key and ability", or have the speaker say it, just like when they introduced the monster in the beginning. But I think it's just my carelessness If someone reads out loud, I usually don't read with them I just listen, after that I click the first button I see.

This was very fun to play!! The voice over and SFX were great. Unlike mine I was able to know what objects were interactable 😂 Overall a really good game!

At first, I was confused 😂 I kept dying and I didn't understand why, but after multiple try's I understood what to do, the game is beautifully done the audio is great as well!! great job a well-polished game.  Definitely might get popular on mobile games 😂

Here is my game It is a bit difficult but also not impossible 😁 + your game is Amazing!!!!

I rated your game, I enjoyed it 😁 it was which is a good thing, mine is kind of difficult but I hope you'll have fun:

The art is great!! I enjoyed the game it was fun, the audio suited the design, and in general well polished!!

This was fun 😂 I kept dying on Circle II 🫠 it was hard but fun at the same time, very well polished game mechanics!!

Here is my game:

I played your game and it was beautiful 🥹I left a suggestion if you ever plan to make it a full game.

this is mine: