I finished a normal run with the pyro class.
I don't quite understand what was the point of pooling all ammo into one type: now there's less incentive to switch weapons and it's easy to run out.
I think you should at least refill all magic when entering a new level as it's natural to just unload everything on the bosses.
The new dismemberment system is cool but the for me combat still isn't very visceral, I think the main issue is that most of the weapons are a spread of low-damage projectiles.
I dropped the templar's throwing lance and that felt better to use, although it really wasn't as effective DPS-wise and also pressing shoot again before the projectile fires resets the throwing animation which was a little annoying.
I'm sure it'll feel better when you add audio for the enemies, the game's soundscape is kinda bland right now.
I like the new UI but maybe coins and armor drops should have different colors.
Also the treasure and merchants rooms in the catacombs weren't lit at all for me, but I did lower some graphic settings so maybe that's why.
I still had my fun, I'm looking forward to playing more of this.