Inconsistent use of the buttons. Sometimes space does something, sometimes enter, sometimes A. I'd try and make any "activate" button the same as the jump button, from start to finish. Skipping cutscenes, selecting menu, etc...
Yeah, UI in general needs an overhaul, it's very messy right now, especially the keybinds.
I personally don't feel that the jump is too floaty. I think it feels fine for what you're trying to do here. If it was less floaty, then it would make the other mechanics significantly more frustrating.
Someone who gets it. You need that floatiness to make the hook properly aimable. I 'm not planning to make any further changes to the player physics. I think I nailed them as is.
camera stuff
I do want to simplify the camera. The looking up and down thing will go as that's a bit of a leftover from when the game was running at 160x144 pixels so you couldn't see shit. I do want to keep the sideways lookahead but it could definitely do with some smoothing, or just make it manual, dunno.
There's code in there to lerp the camera but it's set up to just follow directly right now because I'm just not a huge fan of the camera lagging behind even a little giving you less view range in the direction you're going.
It's extremely frustrating that if you're up against a wall and try to hit it with the hookshot, it fails and you just fall down.
I'd try to give the player a little bit of a window from when they hit into a wall from their hook, to when they can jump. If hitting into the wall from hooking it caused you to bounce up a little, and during the ascent you could jump, it might make the game feel a lot more fluid.
There actually is some coyote time there it's just very tight, 0.07 seconds to be precise. I specifically want to discourage wallhugging which is why it's so tight. It's a hook jump not a wall jump after all. It's still possible, just needs precise timing. I do like the idea of a little bounce though. Gonna try that.