Hey BitGamey,
Nice take on the snake genre! I really like the start screen how it looks ominous!
Game itself runs nice and works well. Eating the chomps, avoiding bombs and controlling the snake works well. I would suggest though couple of improvements:
- Lerping the snake head from coord to another. Now it snaps and it looks a bit unnatural in 3d. It does respect the original 2d design though which I like, but maybe it could work better with a lerp?
- Camera distance. I would like to get a bit more overview of the game. Now it's a bit hard to plan where to go as you don't see the whole board. It might be intentional as well, but this is how I felt.
- Bombs can spawn on walls, but also having your tail on the bomb explosion radius doesn't do anything to snake. Maybe it should? Or only head?
The music is spot on! Very pressing and giving the anxiety. Works well!
Very nice job on the game! Looking forward for some twist and additions to the game!